Chapter 12

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Niall's Pov

    I was sitting at the club talking to Caitlyn.She got up and said,"I am going to go fined Harry."

    She left me sitting there all alone.I just sat there and had a beer.She can back about ten minutes later and said in a frantic voice,"Niall I can't fined Harry."

   "He is most likely in the bathroom I'll go check. He wasn't in there I didn't know what to tell Caitlyn.The first thing that ran through my head was that he got wasted and ran off with some girl.

   I walked up to Caitlyn and said,"Kate he wasn't in there.I am sorry."

   She looked suddenly sad and I knew right away what went through her mind.She said,"Niall I know you don't have your license but I have my permit and your an adult so can we drive back to the flat?"

   "Sure.We'll take Harrys Car if he left it here."

  She nodded and we walked outside to see Harrys car still there.We hopped in and drove back to the flat in complete silence.

   When we got back to the flat no ones there.I only had on beer so I was feeling fine.Right when Caitlyn hit those doors she ran straight towards her room.She is a sprinter so it was hard to catch her but,I did right before she entered her room.I picked her up and carried her into my room.I laid her down on my bed.She bit her lips so no tears would escape.She managed to say,"Niall can't I go back into my room and change.I hate dresses."

    I didn't answer I just reached into my dresser and pulled out a t-shirt and my clover covered underwear.I figured that would fit her waist the best.I throw them towards her and said here.

    She made a face but,went into the bathroom to change.She came back wearing my clothes.She looked so cute and cuddle in a shirt too big for her slimming figure.She stood there just looking at me still biting her lip.

   I said,"Come here."She come closer to me I pulled her on to the bed with me and held her tight in my arms."You can cry if you want that's why I'm here to make you feel better."

   Instantly I felt a tear land on my shoulder.She started sobbing now she said,"H-h-h-how could he do this to me?I thought he loved me.It's only been like there weeks but,I really thought he was starting to love me."

    I traced designs on her back as she was soaking my shirt."Shhh,it will be ok,"I whispered into her ear making her shutter.

     I pushed her head up so I could see her eyes.They were now blood shot and there was mascara running down her face.I wiped some of it off on my shirt because she already stained it in mascara.She smiled a little and whispered,"Thanks Niall you're  the best."

  I smiled and kissed her cheek.She laid her head back on my shoulder and through her arms around my stomach holding on to me tight.I tightened my grip on her pulling the sheets over us."She cuddled up to me the tears started to come again yet this time they were less of them.I started singing hopping that she would stop crying.I sang the first song that came to mind.

I, I want to save you

Want to save your heart tonight

He'll only break you

Leave you torn apart, oh

It's a quarter to three

Can't sleep at all

IYou're so overrated.

If you told me to jump, I'd take the fall

When he wouldn't take it

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