The night of the school dance

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Dustin thank you dad for watching Jayden and Stephanie

Michael no problem and Jordan

Jordan yea

Michael you look beautiful

Jordan thanks

Dustin come on baby let's go

Jordan ok holding Dustin hand

In the car

Jordan baby

Dustin yes

Jordan what do you wanna do after the dance

Dustin idk maybe have sex since the kids are gonna be with my dad for the weekend

Jordan ok do you see your real mom

Dustin no she died after Bryan was born yours

Jordan in l.a

Dustin do you have any siblings

Jordan yea I have a sister and a lil brother

Dustin how old

Jordan 4 months and 7

Dustin who 4 months

Jordan my brother and my sister is 7

Dustin names

Jordan Stella and Nicholas

Dustin cute names and babe

Jordan yea and thanks

Dustin I love you

Jordan I love you too

Soon they arrive at the dance

Patrick hey bro

Dustin what's up

Patrick none sis you look beautiful

Jordan thanks bro

Dustin babe you wanna dance

Jordan yes

They go on the dance floor and dance and so does everybody else

Everybody is having fun

Jordan in Dustin ear babe

Dustin back in Jordan ear yea

Jordan in his ear why is your dick poking me

Dustin I'm getting hard and I want go inside your pussy

Jordan ok let's go home

Dustin ok bye guys

Tyisha where you going

Dustin home

Chelly why

Dustin Jordan wants my dick in her pussy now

Chelly ok see you guys at the skating ring tomorrow

Dustin and Jordan ok bye

They head home

End of chapter

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