Terrence escspes and strikes again

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Let's skip to lunch

Patrick and boys are eating when the girls expect Jordan sits down next to them

Chelly hi baby

Brittani hey babe

Jazmine hello baby

Sabrina hola baby

Patrick Carnell Kelly Bryan hey

Carnell where's Jordan

Chelly we don't know she left second period and didn't say where she was going

Brittani looks at Dustin

Dustin looks up what

Chelly what did you do

Dustin nothing I tried talking to her and I asked for a kiss this morning before we left for school and she just pushed me away

Chelly wow

Bryan laughs ahaha your girlfriend hates you

Chelly kicks him under the table

Bryan owwwwww

Chelly don't listen to him she don't hate you

Dustin okay

Brittani I got a text from her

Dustin where is she

Brittan she said the house

Dustin why

Brittani she said playing with nick

Dustin well I'm out to my next class

Chelly me too

Dustin leaves to his next class


Dustin doing his work when his phone vibrates in his pocket


Dustin hello

Jordan baby I need you

Dustin what's wrong

Jordan Terrence won't stop calling me and he's in the house

Dustin let me grab the gang and we will come ok

Jordan ok hurry up I'm scared

Dustin calm down babe I'm on my way love you

Jordan love you too

End convo

Dustin leaves his class and texts the gang saying code red

They gang looks at it and runs out their classroom

Kelly let's go

They run home

Bryan hears nick cryin

Chelly Baby you grab nick me and Nell Brit Kel d pat gonna find Jordan

Bryan okay be careful

Chelly we will guys moves out

They run upstairs looking for Jordan

Chelly Jordan

Patrick I found her she tied up in the room

The guys runs over

Kelly Jordan

Jordan shaking and scared

Kelly it's okay it's your brother Kelly untieing her

Jordan gets up and hugs hugs him

Kelly hugs back are you okay

Jordan cries no

Kelly what's wrong

Jordan shows Kelly her arm

Kelly looks what the fuck you have a burn how the hell

Jordan crying Terrence he escaped from jail he broke the lock on the back door and came in

Patrick where is he now

Jordan behind you

Patrick turns around

Terrence did y'all miss me

Dustin what the fuck you put your hands on my girlfriend

Terrence yea but not only her

Dustin you better not haved touched my kids

Terrence maybe maybe not

Back downstairs with Bryan

Jayden come on Stephanie wake up crying

Bryan hears cryin again

Jayden picks up his sister and brings her in the living room

Bryan looks what happen jay

Jayden crying he slammed my sister on the door and she won't open her eyes I think she dead

Bryan but what are you guys doing outta school so early and she not dead she still breathing

Jayden half day

Bryan yells Dustin help

The gangs runs down

Dustin whats wrong

Jayden daddy look what terrenwence did my to sister

Dustin Stephanie Stephanie can you hear me baby girl please wake up

Stephanie slowly opens her eyes

Dustin are you okay baby girl

Stephanie yes daddy he didn't slam me that hard I just got scared and closed my eyes

Terrence well well look whose up

Jayden leave my sister alone

Terrence who you

Jayden I'm Jayden Michael breeding you mess with my sister you mess with me

Terrence boy please

Jayden tackles him and beats him up

Terrence what the hell

Jayden punch stay punch away punch from punch my punch family punch

Terrence banged up okay okay okay I'll stay away from your family I swear

Jayden punches him again you better

Terrence gets up and leaves

Patrick that's my nephew

Stephanie runs to Jayden and hugs him thanks for sticking up for me bro

Jayden hugs back no problem sis daddy kiss mommy

Dustin kisses Jordan

Jordan kisses back

Dustin I love you

Jordan I love you too

Awwwwwwww how cute are Jayden and Stephanie I told you Jayden loves his sister and would do anything to keep her safe

Comment if you thought what Jayden did for his sister was cute and brave

End of chapter

New school and dating bad boys a Dustin breeding storyWhere stories live. Discover now