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"Why?" I asked her.

"Do you really want to end this?" I asked her again, trying to hold the tears that wants to be free from my eyelids.
"It's n-not like that, I c-couldn't t-think
s-straight anymore and--"

"You needed time." I managed to breathe out.

"Y-yes." She answered, still stuttering.

"Then o-ok then. I'll giving you all the time that you want." I avoided her gaze.

She sighed in relief. "Thank you." She smiled.

I'll miss that smile of yours. The smile that always makes me happy.



Running away from their apartment, I started bursting into tears after breaking down near into a river.

I got into my knees before stopping myself from bursting so loud.

I maybe out in public without even wearing a mask but I don't give a fuck right now.

"Whyyyyyyy?!!!!!?!?!!!!!" I yelles in frustration before grabbing my hair.

"I can't do it anymore!" I cried. I felt like a doll where someone is controlling me and that feels shit.

I'm so pathetic.



Jennie almost threw her phone in frustration.

"Unnie, calm down.." Lisa pats her back gently but the beast Jennie can't seem to stop.

"Lalisa she isn't answering any of my calls! How am I supposed to be calm down?! She went out without even the one of us knowing!" Jennie clenched her fists as she try to get out of Lisa's grip.

That's a fucking lie.

I actually know where she went.

I shrugged my shoulders before getting a water from the fridge.

"She might got spotted somewhere and that what it scares me! What if she encounters some saesang?! She might get hurt!" Jennie broke down and Lisa pats her back, comforting her.

"She won't get hurt unnie..I know her." Lisa assured her, but Jennie can't seem to be calm at the moment.

"I actually know where she went."

Sorry Chaey.



Jisoo and Lisa can't seem to stop Jennie on attacking Jimin. They were walking on their way to their apartment.

"Calm down Jennie-yah, we've been interrupting everyone on this building." Jisoo stated in a matter of fact.

"I DON'T CARE! MY BUSINESS HERE IS THAT MAN!" Jennie yelled even more, stomping on her way to BTS apartment.

Jennie banged a fist on their front door. "YAH PARK JIMIN!"

"Jennie-yahhh......." Jisoo interrupted.

"Don't stop me if you don't want me to be mad at you." Jennie glared at her then continued banging the door.

Taehyung comes with a flustered face, yawning while scratching his nape.

"It's so late already girls....why are you banging the door?" Taehyung mumbled, eyes slightly closed.

"I'M NOT LOOKING FOR YOU! I'M LOOKING FOR JIMIN!" Jennie suddenly pushed Taehyung out of the way, making him awake. Jennie hurriedly made her way towards Jimin's room and banged it's door.

Jennie clenched her fist banging his door.

Jimin finally opened the door and with a slap on his cheek followed.

"What did you to Chaeng?! Where is she?!" Jennie throw him a lit of questions.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Jennie shake him up.

"Jennie calm down!" the rest of the guys stopped her from almost punching Jimin.

Jimin, on the other side, feeling broken because of what happened earlier.

"I don't know where she is......" Jimin finally mumbled.

"IT'S HIS FAULT WHY SHE'S MISSING!" Jennie continue to point at him.

"Stop this!" Hoseok finally joined in. He walked over Jimin, protecting him from Jennie. "He did nothing wrong! It was Chaeyoung who came here! She was the one who broke up with him and ran away without telling everyon! This is not clearly his fault!"

"But he is the reason why she is missing!" Jennie started to cry. "I already warned you before about this....she is vulnerable when it comes to things and now it looks like you're taking the advantage of her vulnerability!" Jennie's sobs quietly. "She isn't capable of hurting......and you know that..."

Jimin started to tear up as well and sobs filled the room.

Jin cleared his throat, gathering everyone's attention. "Maybe we can help on finding your wife Jimin. If it is okay with Jennie."

Jisoo nudged Jennie to look at him. Wiping her tears she just nodded without making any eye contact.

"Let's go then.


A/N: Sorry for not updating for two weeks. I was suppose to published this part on Friday but I got busy that day because we and my friends celebrated one of my friends birthday so I didn't have a chance of finishing it and then yesterday, a birthday party too lol.

By the way, I know you guys already know about the t-shirt about Jimin's. Many ARMYs were leaving the fandom becauase of that.

Everyone, Jimin doesn't know that the shirt he wore has a meaning. He didn't mean to offend the Japanese ppl. And also that shirt has se Korean slogan etc.

I felt so sorry for him since he's a kind of person who blames himself when he created some mistakes on something. He did nothing wrong to this.



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