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Prologue: While I'm Alive

"Mom, I'm not a child anymore, I'm 17!"
I whined at my mom. I wanted to go to the park to smell fresh air but she's not having any of it. Saying that I might have a fatigue and get weak, there might be a pollution and that's bad.

"We know that that's not the reason why I'm declining." She looked at me sternly.

I sighed.. "I know mom! But I can take care of myself, I promise okay? I'll be back before 11-ish?" I didn't wait for her reply, simply shouting "I love you mom!" Before running outside.

After running for 10 seconds I slowly stopped, panting a bit. I roll my eyes. My body sure is overreacting..

I mean,.. Stage 2 Cancer isn't that bad, right?

I look at all the kids playing, teens walking with their friends or couples holding hands.

Right, Stage 2 Cancer isn't bad if it spreads from 1 to 2 by the span of few months.

I clenched my teeth. Can I be back from what I'm supposed to be? A normal child going through normal problems? Like heartbreaks and school problems?

I saw a big tree in the middle of the park. Its calling out to more which results me to going under its shade and sitting there.

This will be my spot now.

I mentally noted.

I closed my eyes as I remember what the doctor said to mom.

"The tumor is spreading fast. I don't know if the chemotherapy will make it small on time since we already noticed it late and her session started late. But we will do all the possible measures."

All I thought was, Am I going to die?

But I want to experience more. I don't want to die. I want to do things! I want to experience things!

A thing came up to my mind as one tear slowly escaped my closed lids.

A freaking bucket list! Should I make one? I mean, I wanted to accomplish things before,.. I don't know.

I hurriedly went home, almost ran but we all know its impossible due to my condition.

According to the doctor. No running or hard exercises. No hard works for me, and keep away from stress since it triggers the headaches.

How can a cancer patient stay away from stress?

Once I reached home I barely greeted my mom, I went straight to my room and pick up my pen and a notebook.

A notebook that contains sketches of drawings, portraits and dress designs.

I wrote..


1. Fall inlove
2. Experience a heartbreak
3. Fix the relationship
4. Shout in a library
5. Adopt a stray dog
6. Kiss special someone
7. Drive a car
8. Earn first money from a job
9. Ride a yacht
10. Kiss and Dance while raining
11. Speak like a hippie for one day straight
12. Fail one subject
13. Ride a rollercoaster without screaming
14. Fight a guy
15. Be happy

Now my aim is! To accomplish all this!!!!!

Might be hard though, not gonna lie.

While I'm AliveWhere stories live. Discover now