Look at Me, and Me Only

185 13 2

Word Count: 2521


The sky was a cold blue tone with high hanging clouds as Yoongi stepped out of his apartment building. He liked this whether, not too hot, not too cold. Just cool enough to wear a black hoodie and not sweat. He was going to work, with a taller but younger male walking next to him to college.

He loved his apartment. It had soundproof walls, so he didn't have to bother with noise complains every time he and his friends would get together to drink and chill there. He had good neighbors who he liked only because of the fact that after they came over to introduce themselves, they never interacted with Yoongi again. That was, until the young, college kid moved in next door.

He first met him when he was moving his stuff to the apartment next door to Yoongi's. It wasn't anything special, in fact, they didn't even hold a proper conversation. Yoongi was coming home from a long day at work and didn't give enough shits about him to offer to help. The kid didn't need help though, being as strong as he was. Yoongi was silently admiring his biceps when he walked by, not letting him eyes linger too long.

Their next interaction was a bit more friendly though. For the first time in a while, Yoongi made the first move. He walked over to the strangers apartment and knocked. The door swung open, revealing the raven haired boy. He gave Yoongi a quick smile.

"What's up?" asked the new boy.

"I just.... You seemed my age, or close to my age, and I was wondering if you would want to hang out at my place this weekend and have a few drinks. Get to know me and some of my friends. My name is Min Yoongi, by the way."

This stunned the boy, and in any other situation he would have said no--a stranger walking up to your front door and asking you if you wanted to drink with them and their friends, when you didn't know them, or their friends--but something told him to accept offer.

And so he did.

"Sure! My name is Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

"Cool, be over at my place around 7 or 8 on Sunday, I'll see you then, Jungkook."

Jungkook was scared, although he didn't exactly know why. It was just a few drinks to get to know his new neighbor, yet he couldn't stop his palms from getting sweaty and his mind from getting flooded with questions like "What should I wear?" "Will his friends like me?" "What if we can't get along?" "What if I drink too much and do something stupid?" However, he pushed aside all the 'what if's and decided to just wing it when the time comes. He couldn't force Yoongi and his friends to like him, and if they didn't, oh well, nothing he could do about it.

Finally, after an excruciatingly slow three days, comes Sunday. Jungkook chooses simple black skinny jeans that showed off his thighs, a white shirt with a black jean jacket over it, and his favorite Timberlands. He went to Yoongi's door exactly at 7, which he must admit was kind of strange, but he was determined to stick to the "wing it" plan. If Yoongi and the others didn't like him, then fuck it, at least he tried.

Yoongi opened the door after a minute, surprised to see Jungkook already. "Oh, hey. The others aren't here yet. Come in."

As he walked in and took his shoes off, he looked around Yoongi's apartment. It was clean with a white, grey, and black color theme. Yoongi's apartment was a lot bigger than his, big enough for four people to live together comfortably. The more Jungkook looked around, the more luxurious it seemed. It definitely was expensive. He'd have to ask Yoongi later. It was huge! The living room was also connected to a kitchen, which wasn't insanely huge like the living room, but was still as beautiful as everything else he had seen to far.

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