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"Man! I want to go on a killing spree!" Ace exclaimed, throwing his scythe around. Zandra smirked and nudges Primrose, raising her brows.

"Well look at that, Ace needs your guidance- Miss Primrose!" Zandra teases her while Primrose just furrows her eyebrows and crosses her arms.

Primrose sighed and approached Ace, "A-Ace.. Don't kill the weaklings! Save your strength for the S class wizards later!" Primrose exclaimed. Ace's eyes brightened and he nodded immediately.

If you could see the scene, Ace would look like a puppy following around his master, Primrose. Indeed, Primrose is the weakness of Ace. After all, he's been crushing on her for already a decade.

"I heard their voices coming from here!!" A bunch of voices were heard around the corner. The trio's eyes darkened. They all had many differences but you can also see similarities, how they like fooling around, but one thing is very common- The results of their wrath.

The three were not easy to get angry but there are multiple times when they snapped. Primrose had the most number of snaps- 6. All resulted in broken cities and over 30k people died.

Ace snapped 3 times, resulting in a broken country. Over 100k people died. Next, Zandra. Zandra had only snapped once and that resulted to the loss of multiple countries. The deaths estimating to a near 5 million. That is the rule of the Reapers. The more stronger you are, the more lesser you snap. The more powerful your powers are, the more you should contain them. In this case, Primrose was the least strongest of them, focusing on defense while Ace focused on offense, Zandra focusing on both.

Primrose's level is a level of 100 wizard saints. So if you compare that to Zandra- who is 58 times stronger than Primrose, even all the S class wizards of the world can't amount to her power.

She is one girl you don't wanna mess with. But, why is it that the trio is so keen on saving their power to defeat the wizards? Simply because half of their powers are locked away in the Crystal of Gloriosa which is in Zoey's Castle.

Gloriosa is the Queen of the Reapers, the most powerful in the lower realm. Queen Gloriosa had created the Silver Reapers to infiltrate the human realm. She is also the inventor of multiple mystical, divine, and holy creatures.

Soon, the wizards closed in on them. Sure, they can handle all of them but since Ace's power is still recovering, it's best if the top priority is to escape first. Zandra casted a mgic barrier around Primrose and Ace then fought the wizards. The wizard saints were on the frontlines and they focused on offense. There were also healers behind them, recovering every energy.

Zandra wasn't underestimating this group of wizards. They are small fries when alone but in one big group, they're very strong.



Oof, what will happen To Zandra?!?!

Im sorry for not updating! I just had writer's block and all sorts of inspiration came through me then i continued writing this. At some point, i wanted to discontinue but then i had nice ideas and i couldnt bear to unpublish it so I'll continue this for you guys! 

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