chapter 13

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Chapter 13
Dec 11

The next morning was as solemn as anything. No one dared to speak and the uncomfortable silence was killing me

Sarayah finally spoke up, after we ate breakfast "I can't believe those people are your friends, mom"

Mom frowned "I can't believe it either. I knew they were so vocal about their opinions but this was too much"

"They had no right. They should be apologizing"

I muttered my reply "Welcome to Nigeria"

Sarayah only glanced at me and shook her head in disappointment "I finally see why you didn't want to leave the house"

Nosa's nose scrunched up "I kind of expected this. It's not as bad as I expected it to be"

Sarayah snorted "Then it's only the beginning"

"I can handle it. It's not the first time I've faced a scandal"

Sarayah frowned softly, as if hating to remember the past scandals.

My curiousity was getting the best of me "Why were you suspended?"

Sarayah said in a monotone voice "He punched his coach"

My eyes widened "He what?"

Nosa shot Sarayah an accusatory look, then turned his gaze at me "I caught my coach forcing himself on a woman. He says it's consensual but I clearly saw otherwise. He made it seem to the team like I had a vendetta against him because he didn't make me captain. The asshole got me suspended afterwards"

"How long are you going to be suspended?"

Nosa gritted his teeth "As long as the bastard wants. It hasn't been decided yet"

Damn. I could see why he wanted to stay away from the public eye "What about the woman? What did she say?"

"She denied everything I said. She cooked up a lie and everyone bought it. For all I know, she was either paid to lie or possibly threatened. There's just no use now"

Sarayah argued "Just leave the fucking club already. Those assholes don't deserve you"

Nosa raised an eyebrow "Do you see any offer piling up for me from other clubs? Till my suspension is removed, I'm gonna be a freaking pariah around here. If it were up to me, I would have left. But its not up to me anymore, it's up to that asshole"

Mom tsked "Thank God Colin is in his room so he wouldn't have to listen to so much swearing by his parents"

That seemed to calm Nosa down. He seemed so angry earlier that I felt sympathy for him. No one deserved to be taken for granted like that. "Sorry ma'am"

Mom gave a slight nod "it's okay. Just have faith. Karma has a way of catching up to people like him"

Nosa's lips thinned as his face held an unreadable expression "I only wonder how long it's going to take"


My phone call with dad was as lengthy as I expected it to be. We spoke endlessly about everything and it was going on smoothly. I was careful not to mention that I was in mom's house.

Though dad doesn't admit it, I can tell that he has unresolved feelings for mom, even though he was happily married to Onyeka. There was an unspoken understanding to avoid speaking about mom. He never mentions it but I prefer not to see him flinch whenever her name is mentioned.

"I can hear the water falls from here"

Dad's rich laughter always made me smile "That's the beauty of Namibia"

"Where's my step momma?" naturally I called Onyeka by her name, with her permission. But dad was never comfortable with me calling her by her first name so I usually called her step mom whenever he was around

"She's taking a dip in the water. Can you hear her? She's screaming your name"

I laughed "I can hear her loud and clear. Please send my regards to her"

Dad's voice became calmer all of a sudden "I will. I'm really glad you called me today"

I had to agree with him. It felt alot better talking to him. Though, he and I weren't that close, we were also similar in behavior and characteristics "me too"

"So when are you coming home? Onyeka misses having you around. You're like a daughter to her"

"I am her daughter in many ways. I'll be at your place by new year's eve so we could celebrate new year together. That way we can celebrate together"

"That's good to hear. I can't wait to tell Onyeka"

He cut the call excitedly before I could say my goodbyes.

It didn't take long for me to go out of my room after making the call with dad. I slipped into a seat while Mom and Sarayah were discussing in the living room.

Mom beamed at me as I gave her a wry look "Thank goodness you're here. I was just about to call for you. Mr Ekeh, one of my friends that pissed me off at the traditional night, invited us to an apology dinner tonight. I was surprised to hear him do that because he's a very proud man but I guess he's learnt to lessen his ego"

"He didn't piss me off so I'm not going"

"it's common courtesy for everyone to go. Even Colin"

"Too bad they don't have common courtesy"

Sarayah chipped in "I agree with Abbie. Why should we honor their crappy dinner if they can't mind their businesses?"

"It's an apology dinner. To say sorry. They are trying to make up for the lack of courtsey. I shouldn't try to convince you when it comes to common logic. You're grown women"

I knew that mom was trying to save face in front of these wealthy people and I naturally didn't care about impressing people like them. But the pleading look in mom's eyes made me reconsider my stand. I didn't know why I cared so I had to play it cool "Will there be chicken?"

Mom gave me a confused look "I guess so. Hopefully"

My smile was wide "Great. You won me over. I'm going"

Sarayah grinned at me, clearly amused by my demeanor "For once, Abbie is right. I don't eat chicken. Only well garnished Tofu but I do eat other kinds of food that they would have. So yes, I'm going too"

Mom's relieved look made me smile unconsciously "I'll go tell them now that we're coming. I hope Nosa's coming too"

Sarayah rolled her eyes "Ofcourse he's coming. Nosa's a gentleman. I'm the one with a little bit of hood in me"

Mom's lips curled "I see. I'll take notice of that, next time"

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