Dimensions series details

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If you enjoyed the first five chapters and wish to continue reading the first book in the series - Dimensions - and the seconds book - Facade - they are both available to purchase for surprisingly cheap prices on the Amazon website:


You can also find out information about the series and it's progress on my website and my Instagram page:



Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Now for a little explanation as to why I write about what I do:

This book series is inspired by the question of 'What comes after?' It is an adventurous, fantasy fiction collection perfect for teenagers and young adults. It focuses on real world problems and is written to encourage people to reflect on their life and see the lives of others in a different light; A light that can help transform society into a better and more accepting place.

All subjects touched upon in this book are serious and real and I believe that writing about them is a way for me to show that some of the things that happen in this world, especially concerning the abuse and rape of protagonist Leah, are not acceptable or justifiable.

Together, I believe that we can work towards creating a world that is a much safer and better place. 

If you have been affected by any of the subjects in this book preview and wish to seek help or advice, I have linked websites in the foreword that you can feel free to check out. 

Thank you again. 

(For reasons unknown to me, hyperlink to the websites cannot be added. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

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