CH 2

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"My boss is her daddy" I snapped at Dominic once I entered my house. Dominic shared my house with me and it was nice to have the company. He was stuffing his face with popcorn while dressed in sweat shorts and a grey v-neck.

"What?'' He finally acknowledged my presence after swallowing the mouthful of junk. Dominic was a leech, really. He fed from me, lived with me and depended on me. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. He helped in cleaning the house coz I know I wouldn't do that. He also took care of my twinkle when he wasn't on any shift but for now, he got fired for harassment.

"I said my boss is her daddy. Jeez Dominic there's enough cotton swabs in the house. Use it" I collapsed on the chair besides him. When Bennett dropped the bomb, I was shocked, mouth agape. Atleast he didn't say anything about meeting her. I wouldn't allow that.

"I heard you the first time. I meant to say WHAT!!??" He asked, eyes wide in horror as he continued stuffing his face. I glared at him, snatched a handful of popcorn and chewed angrily. The crunching sound was irritating but who gives a cheeseball? Call me dramatic, I'd agree with you.

"Wait, is it the Bennett guy? How is he your boss? Last time I checked, it was a Kyle Mccurdy" So, I went ahead to explain everything to him. From the moment I ran into the elevator till the moment I stepped out of Bennett's office, almost having an asthma attack. I wanted to resign but then I remembered that we had an agreement before Melody was born so I hope he sticks to his part.

"Wow, that's a lot to take-''

"Mommy!" My daughter's high pitched squeal echoed and without further warning, a small body was flung on me. She was adorable. I hugged her back, squeezing her lightly as I patted her black hair. It didn't help that my daughter looked so much like her sperm donor. She only had my black hair while other features were his. I felt betrayed. I'm glad Bennett is gorgeous compared to my exes, otherwise, I'd be embarrassed to be seen with my daughter.

"Twinkle sweetheart, did I wake you?'' I asked and she yawned in respose, breaking away to rub her eyes with her knuckles. Isn't that cute??

"How was your day with Uncle big D?''I asked and she broke away and scrunched up her nose adorably. She was adorable, so adorable. Anytime we go out, she attracts attention.

"I think you mean Uncle big Di-'' One glare from me, was enough to shut Dominic's dirty mouth. The guy was gross when he comes to words. It was his explanation of sex that made me vow to never have sex. All me exes were idiots. Their idea of a relationship was that there must be sex so I took it that all guys are like that. That's why I prefer being a single virgin mom. Call me weird, I won't be sad. No guy can live without sex so why bother dating?

"Mommy?" I faced my daughter. She hadn't answered my question.

"Yes my love?" I answered. I watched Dominic watch us with awe. He loved Melody as much as I did. He always found trouble abstaining from using cuss words. I on the otherhand, I wasn't always much of a person who cusses. Infact, I didn't like cussing so it wasn't a big deal when she was born it was a big deal when Dominic began living with me.

"Why was Uncle Domi eating aunty Jordan's face?" I turned to Dominic, raising sn eyebrow to which he gave a nervous chuckle.

"Mommy, come see my dolly" Melody said, totally forgetting that she asked a question. She held my pinky, dragging me so I would stand up. I obliged and looked at Dominic again, giving him the most nasty and menacing glare I could muster. He visibly gulped. That's right, swallow your shame!

"Sweetheart, you have to eat first. What do you want?" Her eyes lit up and she totally forgot about her dolly. The attention span of a toddler is weird.

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