A small talk to yourself

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A.N- hey guys sorry for late update xD
This chapter contains abit magical and witch stuffs xD of course I made that up xD enjoy !!!

P.S today chapter will take place at the family meeting that Tin's Brother mentioned in Chp2

At the family meeting
Tin's POV
I'm at the lousy family dinner which I never really want to attend.
Everyone seem to be happy that I'm here
But looked so faked... especially my mother.. which i prefer not to call that...

Tin's Mom- "So Tim... how's your uni life.. got any girlfriend?"

Tin- " Hmmm... now that you say that.. i feel like getting a boyfriend."

Tin's Mom- " Ahhahahahah... you're funny as always my little Tim"

Tin- " Thank you and you're good acting as always ^^"

Tin's brother- " Tin this is not a way you talk to your mother"

Tin - " huh.. whatever"

I left the dinning room because it's so annoying.
I looked around the house.. I haven't been here since my grandmother passed away. Of all the family members she was the one that loved me the most.

She always tell me about witch crafts and magic. I miss her alot.
I walked to her room .
It's the same as ever.. nth really changed.. there's a picture of me and her on the table.. although it's a little dusty.

Beside her bed there's a big mirror.
She used to tell me that the mirror has power so she always tell me to stay away from that.

I looked at the mirror.

Tin- " Hey... I know your just my reflection. Haha how silly... it's like my reflection's not gonna talk to me."

Mean- " Ahh sorry to ruin your imagination but I'll talk to you😛"

Tin- " the f**k ... what the .... who... who are you?... wait ...are you my otherself.. but wait... what?.. i thought.. you're only awake while I'm asleep"

Mean-" Woah woah.. slow down pretty boy... I don't know why.. maybe because of the mirror"

Tin- " So... I have a question... who are you and why are you taking my body?"

Mean- " My name is Mean... that's what your doctor named me. And I'm not purposely taking your body.. it just happened"

Mean- " Ok enough about myself..let's talk about you"

Tin- " Me?"

Mean- " Yess you... how long are you gonna stay faked... just be yourself la.. you don't have to pretend "

Tin- " What do you mean I'm not.. pretending"

Mean- " Please.... I haven been in you for longer that you think... and beside .. I'm one of your personalities.. which you never showed .... I know that you're a friendly bright guy.. and you like that Can guy don't you? ≧◔◡◔≦"

Tin- " What... nooooo... I don't.. . You're stupid.. wait... that's me so am I stupid? QvQ... "

Mean- " You like him"

Tin- " No I don't "

Mean- " Yes You do"

Tin- " No...i said nooo"

Mean- " yes yes yes yes..Tin likes Can.. lalalalalalalalal🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 ×10"


Mean- " So you admit? XD"

Tin- " 😪 Like is abit much.. I'm just interested in him.. that's all"

Mean- " You LIKE himmmm xD"

Tin- " Whatever"

Mean- " But why him tho? Is he special? "

Tin- " I don't know.. . But he's too shiny.. like a diamond in my eye.. he always caught my attention... and plus his angry face cute"
*Tin replied with a smile*

Mean- "Oh god.. you really like himm it's like love at first sight😍😍 don't worry fam.. it's on me.. I'll help you..... but for now.. bye bye😛"

Tin- " Wait I don't need your. .......... help?"

Huh... how is he gonna help me tho?

P.S how's the chapter xD Interaction between Tin and Mean xD and this is a photo I saw on Twitter ... looked so cute and kinda suit for the fic😂
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