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If you make the effort to listen to, you'll hear. The shouts of a whale.

"But, why she shout ?"
You would tell me.

I don't know.
Maybe it's a shout of joy ? Pain ? Hatred ? Or quite at the same time ? Who knows..

Nevertheless, if you read this, you'll know...


Today is a feast day for whales. Especially for Yonna. This young female finally brought into the world this small strapping lad, Roy.

This young whale calf already exhausts her mother with all his questions on the world.《Momma,It's what these things which swim in the air? does he say with awe.

-I don't know, my darling. It's one of the inventions of humans,she answered.

-But, why do they invent things to swim? They cannot ? he asked.

-No.Not in the air,she said.》

The young had so many questions, but saw very well that he annoyed her mother with that. Thus he decide to make silence.


Roy has now eight  months.

Her mother by his side, feeds. Far off, he sees a strange jellyfish. The desire to disturb her mother to ask if it was eatable was strong. But, he had been reprimanded severely. Thus he says nothing. Her mother swallowed the strange jellyfish by inadvertence.
Then, came the second, then the third, then about ten. Soon, the sea filled with these creatures.
The eyes of the small Roy shone in front of this species.

Later, her mother didn't stop surfacing. Worried, Roy decides finally to open the mouth.《Mum,are you OK ?the young exclaimed.

-Yes.It's nothing sweetheart.I'll get over it, she tells him in a low voice.》

She felt that it was graver. But for her, rather lie that to see this small end of her getting into a panic for her. He was his only one reason to live.

Nevertheless, Roy not in vineyard no word. He had a very bad presentiment...


Roy woke up from his small nap, in great shape. He sweeps the ocean of the look but doesn't live her mother.《Mom ?he called.

He waited for a moment but for no answer didn't reach him.

Mom !? he began again.》 The whale calf began seriously to panic.

He saw her nowhere. From now on, Roy ended up alone in this vast extent of water. Suddenly, the sea seemed to him terrible.

He thus surfaced.

This is when he saw human beings in a floating object. These fussed in an activity. A young person had a plastic bottle. He ended it and threw it to the sea.

Another man appeared with a bag. Roy opened big eyes. It was thus that, the strange jellyfishes...

The human beings killed mom..,he repeats.
You killed my mother! I hate you, I hate you!! he shouts.
You are monsters heartlessly!I hope you'll go to hell ! You killed my mom... he cried.Momma...

Not far from there, on a beach, was the sluggish carcass of Yonna..

The End.

Roy Where stories live. Discover now