Don't....Cry....Dear Bendy

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Allison- Hah! You put on the tutu again 

DancyDemon- No I didn't!

CameraMan- I had to record it m8.

BabyBoris- Don't turn into Foxy. Please.

DancyDemon- What's wrong with my fox!?

Angel- don't get off topic. Bendydick Cumberbatch over here wore a tutu today.

FNAFGuy- Ha! Bendydick Cumandsnap

Allison- Lol but anyways....what's that about?

*DancyDemon changed their name to Bendydick*

Joey- Don't be ashamed of your tutu....

Bendydick- I'm the dancing demon...                                                                                                                Watch me twirl and hop and spin!                                                                                                                            I'm quick to give a smile.....                                                                                                                                        But I won't forget your sins......😈

Joey- My sins? You're the one called bendydick.

CameraMan- can I change my name?

Angel- We don't control you....

*CameraMan changed his name to Vid🎥*

Vid🎥- Yaya!

Angel- you can use emojis in your name!?

*Angel changed her name to 😇ANGEL😇

FNAFGuy-Ughhh. This is gonna become a thing now....

Bendydick- You bet your ass!

Allison- You can change other people names.....

*Bendydick changed FNAFGuy to XxSUICIDExX*

*XxSUICIDExX changed Bendydick to UselessDemon*

UselessDemon- 😢😥😭

Vid🎥- Don't cri deer Bendy.

Allison- Isn't That a FNAF song?

Vid🎥- IDK

*Allison added It to the chat*

It- What is it Ali?

Allison- Isn't there a FNAF song that goes like...don't cry something something.....?

It- IDK. I think. Ask QT....she knows everything....It's worrying.

*It added QT to the chat*

QT- Yes. Called "Make this Puppet Proud" it goes Don't....cry...dead children.

UselessDemon- How? We didn't even ask.

QT- Knowledge......wait. Your name is UselessDemon? Lol.

UselessDemon- XxSUICIDExX changed it from Bendydick Cumandsnap.

QT- What the hell. I like your chat better that my one with FNAF.

It- you don't like us.

QT- I love you all. We should get back....I need to sneak into the shadows conversation. Buh Byeeeeee👋🏽

*It and QT left the chat*

Vid🎥- Don't cry....dead people....Those old bodies just won't do. Put some ink on and see how it feels, immortality is for you!

This is a teaser for a crossover I'm doing with my fwiend CrzyQT if you couldn't tell already. It's with FNAF texts! YAY!

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