I was tagged

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CrzyQT tagged me so yeah.

Idk how this tagged thing works but here we go.

Idk how this tagged thing works but here we go

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1. Black

2. Reading

3. I'm fearless ;)

4. Fall. I was born then.

5. Virgo

So, there's another one-

So, there's another one-

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1. Green

2. light brown

3. pegasus

4. Uhh, Worst and be famous.



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1. I have one, yes.

2. I don't have a middle name

3. 7.5

4. green

5. idfk..?

6. don't have one

7. The Markiplier Rap

8. my brother.

9. single

10. Lakers.

11. black

12. Uhm... CrzyQT

13. Tom Holland

14. I cut myself on a tree last week.

15. no

16. Psycho-Gurl (jk)

17. nope

18. idk

19. yeah

20. alcohol? no.

21. McDonald's

22. McDonald's

23. huh? Day???

24. can't think of one

25. I think I do.

26. I don't know.

27. I hate anime

28. Petty

29. The Freddy Files

30. no not really

31. September 14

32. um... fortnite (pls don't h8 me)

33. High Hopes

34. um...idk

35. my cat

36. yes

37. mhm!

Okay, I think that's it. You're supposed to tag someone else after this, right?
I don't know how this works. Uhm...

Psycho-Gurl ur up next.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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