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Kuanlin:Chill jer.

Game pun start.

Programmer:Welcome to Five Night At Freddy:Sister Location.I will be your personal guide.First,please choose your name.

Kuanlin:Lai Guanlin.Ahh!!Susahnya nak tekan!!

Programmer:It seems that you have some problem.Let me autocorrect it.Eggs Benedict.

Kuanlin:Daebak.Sekarang aku ni telur.

Programmer:Push the red button in front of you and crawl in the vent.


Programmer:In your left is Ballora Gallery and in your right is Funtime Auditorium.Lets check Ballora first.Click the blue button to turn on the light.


Programmer:Ballora is not there.Click the red button to electric shock Ballora.


Programmer:Now click the blue button again.


Programmer:Ballora is feeling like her own self again.Next,lets check Funtime Foxy.Now click the blue button.

Kuanlin:Game ni banyak tekan butang lah!Serabut life.*Tekan*

Programmer: Electric shock.


Programmer:Blue button again.


Programmer: Electric shock.

Kuanlin:Sila meninggal.*Tekan*

Programmer:Blue button.

Kuanlin:Candy yang tolong tekan tak boleh ke?!!

Author:Tak boleh.


Programmer:Funtime Foxy is ready now.Now crawl in the vent in front of you.

Kuanlin:Takde bajet nak buat pintu agaknya.*Merangkak*

Programmer:This is Circus.Click the blue button to check on Circus Baby.


Programmer:Electric shock.

Kuanlin:Aku dah malas membebel.*Tekan*

Dan ia berulang selama 3 kali.

Kuanlin:Aku tak nampak pun Circus Babi tu.Eh silap.Circus Baby.Biarlah.

Programmer:Good.Now crawl back to the vent behind you.

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