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AN: This is an AU on the previous chapter, not a continuation. Here, I use the theory that the Original 5 Dead Children are in Molten F. and were not freed in FNAF 3.

"You did it, Michael, you did it. You really did it," Henry murmured in awe, approval and reverence, clapping an aged hand upon a bony shoulder. Henry was blinking rapidly, fighting back tears and trembling, trying so hard to control himself, but it wasn't easy, not with his daughter standing before him once again. After decades of being alone, of having nothing but a memory of her, somehow, he and this fine young man (well, younger, though he was not necessarily young himself either) had brought her back. They had saved her. Against all odds, they found her restless spirit and managed not only to capture, but to subdue it, reason with it, and get it into a new body. Now she was there, once more, with her father, only inches away, though her eyes were still shut. Neither Henry nor Michael had powered her new body up yet, but now was the moment of truth.

"Care to do the honors?" Michael asked, gesturing to the robot standing in front of Henry. Henry nodded, unable to speak, then he took a timid step forward. It was so out of character for him. Although his step had never been very bold before, it had always been certain. Even at his lowest, the moment Charlie died, Henry walked with a certainty that he'd never had before. It was the certainty of one with nothing less to lose, but now he did have a lot to lose, and so much more to gain. He was afraid now, shy, his resigned certainty gone. He was hardly aware of Michael walking forward with him, walking towards another robot. This robot was another one he and Henry had co-created, only this one was Michael's little sister: Elizabeth. So, while Henry activated Charlie, Michael activated Elizabeth. Brown and green came to light.

"It worked! It really worked!" the robots cheered at once and those cries were echoed by the two relieved men standing in front of them.

From that day onward, Elizabeth and Charlie were reunited with their long-lost relatives and blessed with new and functioning bodies that were entirely their own. It was something both of them were eternally grateful for, but there came a day when Charlie had one more thing to ask.

"Believe me, you both have done us a service that could never be repaid," she promised her father and his friend. "But there is something else that you should know. There are others, other innocents, still within that pizzeria. They deserve and desire freedom just as much as Elizabeth and I did. Do you think you could save them as well? I would be glad to assist in any way possible, just as long as you promise you'll try and help them to salvation as well. Promise me you'll try? You'll salvage their souls from that awful place too?"

And although, initially, Michael and Henry had both been against such a risky operation, Charlie's pleading eventually won them over and they agreed. They postponed their final plan once more and built five more humanoid bodies, then they managed to sneak Molten Freddy, the animatronic that Charlie had been referring to, out of the pizzeria and back home.

"I'm going to need to get a bigger house!" Michael grunted as he and Henry dragged the massive mess of wires, rods, bars and electrodes up the driveway and to the doorway. The two of them struggled to get Molten Freddy off the car and into the house.

Henry was a physically large fellow and had very strong muscles after spending years working with robotic parts, but even he was struggling under the weight of the spider-like Molten Freddy and Michael, who literally had next to no muscles at all, wasn't able to do much more. Charlie and Elizabeth were a bit stronger, having muscles of wire and metal, but as their bodies were far smaller than before when they were still trapped inside Circus Baby and Puppet, they weren't as strong as they used to be either.

"Especially if you keep bringing more of these freaks home," Henry agreed with dark amusement as they drag-carried Freddy onward.

"Don't worry, Dad, this is the last of them," Charlie promised gently. Henry's expression softened in reply.

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