Chapter 14: The results

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Third person's POV

It's been a week after the entrance exam and Midoriya was eating his lunch but he's kinda passing out. I mean he's smiling at the dead fish, its kinda scary

Also, his mother was uncomfortabled of his son's attitude and so was Burpy

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Also, his mother was uncomfortabled of his son's attitude and so was Burpy. " Umm, Izuku. Why are you smiling at the fish? It's creepy, you know", Inko said to Midoriya. Midoriya finally snapped from his daydream and looking at his mom and the others." Ah.. I'm so sorry, mom. It's just that...", " It must be the results from the entrance exam, right?", She asked and he nodded. Inko knew that he was worry about the results and she was concerned too.

" Izuku, I know that you were excited but try to calm down and how about you and Burpy go training while waiting for the results to come", she said with a lovely smile. Midoriya looked at his mother and he knew that she was right. Burpy stroked his head on his hand and looked up at him. He stroked back on his head and finishing up his lunch. As Midoriya sat down on the couch, his mother went outside to look at the mailbox if there's any letters and there's one. Once Inko took a closer look at the letter, she ran inside towards her son at the living room.

" I....Izu.... Izuk.... Izuku...! It's here!!!", Inko said while showing the letter to Midoriya.

Midoriya's POV~

I was sitting at the couch until my mom came in and she's kinda hurry." I.... Izu.... Izuk.... Izuku...! It's here!!!", she said while showing the letter at me. I quickly went to her, grabbed the letter and locked the door.

I went to my desk and looked at the letter.' Definitely from U.A', I thought. Burpy was on my shoulder also looked at the letter. " Are you ready, Burpy?", I asked him and he nervously nodded. Then, I teared the letter and only found a small round object inside. The object suddenly came alive( I don't know what to say!!) and All Might was there.

"  I'm here as a projector!!!", All Might said and I was shocked." A...All Might?? Wait, is this really from U.A . I wonder why he's there", I said and Burpy nodded in agreement." Well then, young Midoriya. Congratulate to you and your little buddies cause you've earned 105 points for the exam!!", he said and makes me confused.' I thought that I've got 45 points', I thought and Burpy looked at the projector." Well, if wanna know let's take a look at this video first", he said and push a button on the remote at the screen. It's showing Present Mic and the brunette girl that I had saved at the exam.

The girl had asked Present Mic for giving me some of her points because of my actions towards her. Then, Present Mic says that wouldn't be necessary for that cause I already pass. The video finally stopped and we still didn't get it." The reason why you earn that high points because the U.A had a another system for earning points and that is the ' Rescue Points'. Actually, not many examinees knew about this cause we want to see their potential of becoming a hero!! So, young Midoriya, you've earned 60 points for saving young Uraraka Ochako and she's as well earned herself 45 points. Welcome to your hero academia, Midoriya Izuku!!", All Might hold out his hand towards me and Burpy. Then, the projector turn off by itself, leaving me and Burpy crying in joy. We got out and my mom was standing outside of my room." So, how's it going, Izu?", she asked and my whole team looking at me in concern faces. We looked at each other and smiled " We've pass, guys!!!", I said with joy and my mom cried." Wuuu.... My baby passes. I can't believe it!!!", she hugged me and my whole team gave me a cannon ball hugs. I laughed at them and they finally realises me from the tight hugs.

" So, guys. This is our moment on becoming a hero and I want you guys to do your best, okay?", I said with enthusiasm and they chirping in excitements. I smiled at them, remembered of me and Will sensei.' Will sensei, I've finally got to U.A and I promises you that I will not fail you. I will become a hero that makes you've proud', I thought." Alright guys! Let's go training before go to U.A!!", I said and picked up my blaster and the team. I went out of the house towards the hideout.

' This is it. My journey to U.A had finally begins!!'

The Slugsling Hero,Shane. (MHA X SLUGTERRA Fanfiction) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now