Chapter Two

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(George POV)

I woke up in hell. I was praying it was all just a dream. I was also still in Reece's arms which I was happy about. After I woke up a little, I turned around in Reece's arms to face him, careful not to wake him up. My eyes opened and saw he was already awake.

"Morning," He said, his voice thick with sleep.

"Morning. Did you sleep much?" I asked.

He shook his head. "You?" He asked as he ran his hand up and down my back.

That weird feeling was back in my stomach. What is it? Hunger maybe?

"Kind of," I replied, moving closer to Reece.

I put my forehead against his chest. A few minutes later the small flap opened again with a creak, making me jump. Reece moved away from me looking confused. They slid two plates in, one piece of plain toast on each. They could've at least give us some butter.

Reece got up and grabbed both plates, handing one to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled. I tried eating, but I just felt sick. Eating was only making it worse. "You can finish mine." I passed the plate to Reece. "I don't feel well."

"I'm good. Like you said, we need to eat," Reece replied, handing it back.

"It's making me feel worse," I explained.

"Save it for later," Reece leaned across me to put the plate on the floor.

His breath brushed my lips as he did so, my eyes fluttered closed at the feeling. The feeling of warmth, I think.

I laid down on my back hoping it would settle my stomach. It was helping a little, but not much. I laid there in silence for about an hour before goosebumps started rising on my skin again, why did it have to be so cold? I sat up again to get a blanket, but it was just out of reach.

"Reecey, can you please pass the blanket?" I asked, a cheeky smile on my face to convince him.

Reece smiled back. He grabbed the blanket and leant forward to wrap it around my shoulders. His lips were so close to mine, barely an inch away. Reece started to sit back, but he stopped himself. Instead, he leant forward again and pressed his lips to mine. I gasped at first but eased into the kiss slowly. We parted, still keeping close. Reece rushed back in for more, kissing me desperately as he pushed me onto my back so he could straddle me. When he kissed me, everything else disappeared. We weren't trapped in a small, cold, dark room, we were in a safe place where only the two of us existed. His hands ran down from my shoulders to the waistband of my jeans, but stopped there. As much as I knew we both wanted to, we couldn't do much more than this in here. I pushed Reece off me and onto his back so I could straddle him instead. I started kissing him again, this time exploring his mouth more than I was before. I continued kissing his soft lips until neither of us had any air left in our lungs. I took a few deep breaths before I rolled off Reece and onto my back, staring at the ceiling as I caught my breath.

I wasn't entirely sure what just happened. Reece kissed me? I kissed him back?! That weird feeling was back in my stomach. I don't know what this meant or how I felt. I didn't even know Reece liked boys. I mean, he might not even like boys, he could've just been bored and wanted a distraction. But judging by how into the kiss he was, he doesn't seem so straight. I knew I liked guys, I've known since I was about twelve. The only person I've told is Blake.

I was laying there, lost in thought as more food came through the door. Reece sat up to get the food for us. He brought both plates back over to where I was laying.

"Are you hungry now?" Reece asked as he handed me the plate.

"Kind of," I replied, taking the food gratefully. "Thank you."

As soon as I took a bite, my appetite came rushing back, but not because the food tasted good. Once I finished, I grabbed the piece of toast I didn't eat earlier and scarfed it down.

"Only kind of hungry?" Reece laughed.

I laughed and moved so my back was against the wall.

"Fuck I'm so bored. I know that's probably not what I should be worrying about right now, but man would I like my phone right now." Reece groaned.

I chuckled. "I've got an idea."

I sat up. The ground was concrete, so I got one of the forks we were eating with and used the handle to mark the concrete. Reece came over to see what I was doing.

"Tic tac toe?" I asked, looking up at Reece who was looking at the grid I had drawn.

"Sure." Reece laughed as he grabbed a fork.

We played tic tac toe and hangman for the next few hours. Neither of us brought up the situation we had earlier. It wasn't as if we were pretending it never happened, we just didn't want to talk about it. What's the point in wasting what was probably our last few days or weeks talking about something that might not have been anything? We just tried to enjoy what we had left of our lives.

We waited until we were almost asleep for some more food but nothing came, not even water. They hadn't given us water all day.

"Glad you ate breakfast now?" Reece said in a croaky, sleepy voice.

That was enough to make my heart feel as if it was melting.

"Yeah." I laughed tiredly.

We were laying on our backs side by side, trying not to fall asleep in hopes of more food. But no matter how hard I tried to stop it, my eyes fell shut.

"Are you as cold as I am?" Reece asked after awhile.

"Yep." I lied. I wanted him close again, to feel safe again.

Reece rolled over and snuggled into my side, resting his head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him in. He didn't feel cold at all, he actually felt quite warm.

"Are you actually cold?" I asked, turning a little to look in his beautiful green eyes.

"Not really," Reece said honestly while he avoided my gaze.

I laughed a little and rolled onto my side so I was facing Reece. I moved closer so I was pressed up against him with my forehead resting against his chest, my leg draped over his. Reece put his arms around me and moved them up underneath my shirt. I smiled against his chest.

"Goodnight G," Reece whispered into my hair.

"Goodnight," I mumbled, already almost asleep.

A/N - I totally forgot it was Monday so this update is later than usual sorry. It's still Monday tho! They kissed!! Was it just a distraction though..? I guess you'll find out ;)))

- T :) x

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