Chapter Twelve

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(Reece POV)

George laid on the bed in the ambulance, my hand tightly gripped in his. They tried to get us to go in separate ambulances but George started to panic and I didn't want to be away from him. The paramedic just decided to treat me in the ambulance George was in.

I noticed George was looking a little uncomfortable as if he wanted something, he wasn't telling either me or the nurse though.

"What's wrong, baby?" I squeezed his hand.

George just looked up at me. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he never did. I frowned and put my hand on his cheek. His eyes fluttered closed.

"Do you want some water?" I guessed. George nodded.

We'd been given water by the officers at the scene, but George hadn't taken it.

"I'll get you some." The paramedic said.

She lent over and moved a few things around before coming back up with a drink bottle. She came back over and sat George up slightly to get him to drink, but he squirmed away from her a little. He whimpered as she tried again.

"Georgie, c'mon," I said, brushing the hair off George's face.

George just shook his head and laid back down.

"Let me try," I said to the nurse, taking the bottle from her.

I held the bottle to George's lips when he sat up, tipping the water into his mouth. He took a few sips before laying back down. He smiled at me gratefully.

I felt weak and drained. The paramedic said I was looking a little pale in colour and my eyes a little red around the rim. George squeezed my hand gently.

The ride to the hospital was quite a blur. George was in and out of reality, drifting into an almost sleep-like state before waking up again. It was the same on the way into the hospital. It was quite scary to watch actually. He came back to it when the doctors and nurses started up a fuss about me. I held my head as the room began spinning.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I said, trying to get them all to leave me alone.

"We'll get you-" One of the paramedics started.

"No, I'm not leaving George." I insisted. My voice sounded a little weak, quiet.

"You-" They tried again.

"I'm not leaving him, I'm fine. Keep going," I repeated, my voice a little sharper this time.

They gave up on arguing and listened to me. George looked confused as to what was going on. He looked around the room as if he was lost before settling a worried gaze on me. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand again to reassure him.

Once we finally reached a room, they tried to get me to lie down in the other bed. They said I was being admitted to hospital too, there were a few things that they needed to treat including severe dehydration. We didn't get any water in our last few days, so that wasn't really surprising.

"Reece, we need you to lie down so we can treat you." One woman said.

"I already told you, I'm not leaving George. Just bring me a chair to sit in or something." I protested.

"We can't treat you in a chair." The nurse's voice softened.

"Then don't." My voice started to get a little harsh. I felt a little bad, but I wasn't leaving George like this. He was terrified, I could tell by the grip he had on my hand.

I smiled at George, letting him know I would be fine. I could hear the nurses outside discussing what to do with me. But I could see how terrified George still was and how much he needed me so I wasn't leaving his side. Eventually, they came back in and shuffled the bed positionings a little so they were next to each other. So I laid next to George, still clinging onto his hand tightly.

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