Chapter 1: First Day

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"Bye mom, I'm off to school." I said, looking back at the picture of my mom hanging on the wall. I walked out of the house before closing the door shut and locking it. It has been about 10 years since mom died and about 20 since dad left mom. I don't know the reason why, but I don't want to know either way.

I walked down a couple blocks from my house. School wasn't that far from my house, and I didn't mind walking there too. Besides getting a car would be such a hassle anyway. 'Cause you have to go inside the car, then park it, then go out and lock it.

As I got closer to the school, I could see some kids there already. Some cars dropped off kids at the front of the school. Others like me just walked to school.


Oh. My. God. I thought just as a person came flying to me. That person strangled me in their grip, pulling me into a hug. Soon, another person came and hugged me too. One of the peoples was a dark haired girl and the other a brown haired guy.

"Will you guys get off me?!" I yelled. they both stepped back away from me with smiling faces.

"Aww. Come on (y/n), you don't need to be like that. I bet you miss us as much as we do." The girl teased me. I glared at her. She smiled at me. The boy next to her chuckled slightly.

"Jeez, Haerin. One of these days, she's really gonna kill you." He joked to the girl. Haerin stuck her tongue out at him like a little kid.

"Yeah, but one of these days she's gonna kill you too Daehyun." She smirked. I rolled my eyes. These two can be annoying as hell. I smiled a bit. Daehyun and Haerin were my childhood friends and we've been together for as long as we could remember. We always went to the same schools and we always hung out with each other. And they were always there for me even when I needed somewhere to stay.

"Hey (y/n)," I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Haerin. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the bell.

"Are you kidding me?! Why does the bell have to ring so early?!" Haerin yelled, waving her arms around like a crazy person. Daehyun laughed at her and ran away once he noticed her glaring at him. Haerin took off running after him. I chuckled at the sight of the two.

Honestly, why can't they just get together already? Although Haerin and Daehyun don't have feelings for each other, I still think they look adorable together.

I walked inside following the two that were still messing with each other in the halls. I smiled at the sight of them. I trailed behind them into our classroom. All three of us had the same class so we basically got to be together till the end of the school year.

I sat down in the seat at the back. I really don't like being at the front or in the middle. Being around other people didn't make me feel uncomfortable, I just found no need to sit there. Besides I can see the whole classroom this way and what other students will do behind the teachers back.

I smiled darkly. And it's a good thing too, so if someone in this class makes an enemy out of me, I can blackmail them. A quiet, evil laugh escaped my lips.

Haerin and Daehyun looked at me as they sat down in the row in front of me.  They looked at each other with the 'she's at it again' look before turning back to me.

"(y/n)." Daehyun started.

"Don't even think about it. You're going to spend a peaceful high school life WITHOUT, and I repeat, without making drama. And this time, you're gonna be nice to guys and not leave a bad impression, got it?" Haerin looked at me suspiciously with her eyebrow raised up.

I groaned. "Oh come on you guys, you gotta admit it, last year was fun and it was hilarious." They both rolled their eyes but smiled at me.

The year before, I caused a bit of trouble for a couple boys and many of them ended up upside down on the second floor outside. And some got their heads stuck in toilet bowls. And many other things happened too but there's no need to get into too much detail. 

The reason? Well there are many reasons why, but one thing for certain is... I hate boys. Like to the extreme, their entire existence basically. Although Daehyun is a boy, I let him off because I was friends with him before I started hating on them. So I'm chill with Daehyun.

"Still it doesn't matter. And don't you dare say that you did it only because boys are annoying as hell and that you hate them." Haerin looked at me sternly. I rolled my eyes at her, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yeah! Besides, I'm a guy too. So how come you don't hate me?" Daehyun raised his eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at him too.

"Well that's only because when you hang out with us, I forget you're a boy. Besides you can be annoying too, but I'm used to it already." I smiled at him. He looked at me offended, then smiled.

"Everyone! Go sit down please. Class is starting." The teacher walked in talking.

"Better go you two lovebirds." I winked at the two of them. They rolled their eyes at me and sat down. I saw Haerin's cheeks blushing faintly. My eyebrows perked up in interest.

Ooooo. Looks like someone's crushing on the girly-boy. I silently teased Haerin, smiling wide. She looked back at me and saw me smiling at her innocently. Her expression turned dark, and I felt a dangerous aura coming off her.

"Class, today we have some new students. You boys can come in now." The teacher said. Some of the girls in our class perked up, hearing the teacher say 'boys'.

I rolled my eyes in disgust and crossed my arms over my chest. I leaned back in my chair, wanting class to end. I stared out the window next to me. I didn't really care about their introductions cause I'll learn their names later in the year.

"You guys can sit in the desks over there by (y/n)."

I whipped my head to the front with wide eyes. Everyone looked at me and the teacher with wide eyes and their jaws dropped. My jaw dropped and I blinked a couple times at my teacher. Haerin and Daehyun looked at me their eyebrows raised and eyes wide.

"Um, excuse me? Can I have a say in this?" I raised my hand.

"I agree with (y/n). Can they sit somewhere else?" One girl raised her hand.

I sighed in relief. Honestly, I'm so glad a lot of people know me. I smiled at the teacher, silently pleading that she'd agree.

But she only frowned at us. "No. They are going to sit there because I told them to. And you can't change my mind otherwise."

I frowned at her. Silently thinking about what would be the best way to make the teacher regret her decision. She motioned for the boys to sit down. They awkwardly made their way to the seats next to mine. They looked up at me and I scowled at them. They looked at me curiously then sat down in their seats.

I rolled my eyes and turned to look back at the teacher. I zoned out, not paying attention to what was going on.

"(Y/n). (Y/N)!"

I blinked, and looked up at the person standing in front of me. Haerin and Daehyun stood over me, their arms crossed over their chests.

"Oh, uh, yeah?" I smiled at them. Haerin rolled her eyes at me. (sorry if there's a lot of eye rolling lol)

"Come on, (Y/n). the bell already rang. It's time to go to our next class." She said. I nodded and stood up. We walked out of the classroom and ran to our next class before the bell rang.

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