Chapter 4: Earlier and Now

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I stared at the front of the class, biting my lip and squeezing the life out of the pencil in my hand. Haerin and Daehyun sat on either side of me, both giving me worried glances.

Three of those annoying boys were in this class and all three were sitting right in front of me.

It took almost all of my will to stop myself from beating them up. And I mean all of them, not just the three in front of me.

The pencil snapped in half and I released the two halves onto my desk. Daehyun slipped another pencil into my hand and Haerin took the two broken halves and dumped them in a makeshift trash can.

Haerin leaned over to me on my left side. “Stop breaking the pencils or else Daehyun won’t have anything left to use. And there’s no way he’s going to give you his mechanical pencils, I won’t let him.” She hissed. “ You already broke 6 pencils so stop. Even the whole class including the teacher has been looking at you weirdly.”

I glanced around me to see the other students look away when I caught them looking. I looked in Haerin’s makeshift trash can. There were many halves of broken pencils and a few splinters among them.

I looked at Daehyun, who was eyeing the pencil in my hand as if he was getting ready to replace it once it broke. I looked back at Haerin who was looking at me sternly.

I sighed and softened my grip on the pencil and gave it to Daehyun. He looked at me surprised then took it and placed it on his desk.

I turned to look at the three idiots in front of me and stared into the backs of their heads.

Earlier, after the little small incident with the note I gave to the bunny guy, more “incidents” started to happen.

In the class after seeing the bunny guy, the cat dude and his friend walked in almost a second late. Throughout the entire class, I had to keep myself from wacking cat dude’s friend in the head for whispering dad jokes every three minutes, while keeping the cat dude from falling on me as he slept.

After that class, I was stuck with the sunshine boy and the box-smile dude sitting behind me and asking me all sorts of questions. I had to mentally calm myself down when they started asking me if I had a boyfriend and started giving me relationship “advice”.

Then I had all of them in P.E. And no matter how many times I tell them to go away, they keep coming up to me and yelling at me from the otherside of the gym at every chance they get.  

After P.E., I had the smart dude and again, the box-smile dude in class with me. The smart dude didn’t talk to me much, but he definitely annoyed me by helping the box-smile dude ask me questions.

And after those two, I had the sunshine boy again in my class. Luckily, it was just him so I was able to bear with him being so happy and talking nonstop to me. But, he also talked to Haerin and Daehyun so it wasn’t that bad.

AND THEN FINALLY HERE I AM RIGHT NOW. I’m sitting here in class while glaring daggers at mochi cheeks, bunny guy, and dad jokes with a bunch of broken pencils with Daehyun bidding them farwell and Haerin staring at him concerned.

“We have a few minutes before school is out but, you guys can pack up now and wait around.” Our teacher looked at the clock then started to clean up. Everyone else started packing up and talking to each other. I picked up Haerin’s makeshift trash can and dumped it in a real trash can by the door.

I should probably apologize to Daehyun though, I did break a lot of his pencils.

I walked towards my seat and turned to Daehyun. “Sorry for breaking your pencils.” I gave him a small smile. He sighed and smiled back at me. “It’s fine, but you do owe me.”

“I can buy you more pencils.” I offered.

“Hmm,” He paused for a second. “Oh! And you have to treat me and Haerin to dinner.” He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked down at me. “Ugh, fine.” I groaned but smiled.

“Hey (Y/n)!”

Haerin stopped me before I turned around to see who called me. “Don’t look or you’ll regret it.” I looked at Daehyun who stared past Haerin and nodded along with her.

Ugh, oh my god… “Don’t tell me it's the three idiots.” Please don’t tell me their names.

Haerin nodded. “It’s Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin.”

“How did they know my name anyways?”

“(Y/n), we call your name a lot and they’re in all your classes.” Daehyun looked at me, not surprised.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that already but it’s still weird. I rolled my eyes and waved it off.

“Oh, here they come.” Haerin looked at them over her shoulder.



Omg, can they please go away for once? “What? Go away.”

The bell rang.

Yesssss. Saved by the bell. Daehyun grabbed my hand and he and Haerin dragged me outside thankfully.

“Ahh, they’re finally gone.” I exhaled in relief.


The three of us stopped. “I spoke too soon, didn’t I?”

“Yep.” Haerin and Daehyun said in unison.


We turned around to see the bunny guy running towards us with his friends right behind him.

“Let’s run.” Daehyun quickly said. I nodded my head furiously in agreement.

The three of us took off running. I looked back and saw them still chasing after us. Omg that’s actually kind of a scary sight. I couldn’t tell if they were happy or furiously trying to catch up or glaring at me with a surprising speed.

“GO AWAY YOU BRATS!!” I screamed.



Hey sorry I haven't been around lately, everything has just been really chaotic lol. Anyway I actually wrote this chapter like a couple months ago but I guess I forgot to publish it here. Oh! Yeah, if any of you guys have insta follow me and my friend; our account is @ kz_tn_fics_

We post NCT, BTS and some other groups imagines. But anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and wait till the next one 😁

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