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Sehun woke up to a knock on his door. Feeling alarmed and still kinda sleepy, he raise to his feet and head towards the door. Rubbing his eyes, he squint at the sunlight peeking through his curtains, not used to the light at morning hour. Hair scruffy from bed and eyes droppy, he reach for the door handle and pull the door wide enough to see the person standing on the other side.

"Good morning." The sound coming from the man made the idol widen his eyes in surprise, brown orbs staring back at his photographer's who's sporting a dimpled smile on his face. "I bought breakfast." He lift the hand holding the paper bag, and the taller can feel little Sehun inside him slamming his stomach with his fists, screaming 'eat! eat! eat!'.

He takes the bag from the older, stepping aside to let the other come in his house. "You really don't have to but thanks, sunshine." He closes the door behind him and when he turns around, he finds the older raising a questioning brow at him.


"You were standing there smiling under the sun, it makes you brighter than you already are." He shoots a half smile at the other, patting himself in the back when he get another blinding smile along with a dimple.

"You know," the photographer started just when Sehun takes a bite of the sandwich, "I was about to take a photo of you when you opened the door because you look so real and natural, a look of 'I just woke up and someone rang the door' kind, especially when your hair is in an adorable messy state and the sunlight."

The younger hopes the other doesn't notice his red cheeks, so he stuffed his face in the sandwich and lets out a, "So why didn't?"

"You don't want people come to your house on daily basis, don't you? If I take it and post it for the public to see, there will be someone who recognizes this place and you'll have a wave of strangers barging into your house."

He let the words dawn on him as he gulp on his orange juice, glad that he chose a photographer who's careful and actually care for his privacy. Not that Sehun's reckless. It's still too early for him to function properly despite it being 8 AM.

"Have you eaten yet?"

Yixing hums while nodding his head. "Thanks for asking."

Sehun feels himself pouting at the answer. "You did? I was hoping for us to have a breakfast together."

He sees Yixing shakig his head with a fond smile, "Next time then."

"Too far away. How about lunch?"

"Wow, you're a straightforward one, aren't you?" Yixing shakes his head with a smile, the endearing dent appearing again much to Sehun's delight. He flick the button on his camera to turn it on and look through his shots, searching for an idea for the idol. "Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." He throws the rubbish on the paler bag before throwing it away, washing his hands with the sink and wiping his face with his still wet hands.

"Are you still in a relationship with Gem?" Gem is (obviously) a stage name for the female Korean singer, whom recently just announced her relationship with the male idol by her post in her social media.

Sehun glance to the side where Yixing's sitting, on the couch, that is. He raises a surprised brow at the question, drying his hands with a tissue before throwing them away. "No, not anymore." It's kinda surprising on how they got along really well. They just met three times and here they are, asking the other's personal question and hanging around the idol's house. He's never even invited his girlfriends to his place. "We broke up a week ago."

"You broke it off?"

"I broke it off."

He heard Yixing kissing his teeth, feigning disappointment as he shakes his head, "Heartbreaker."

"That I am." They share a small laugh after that, the idol taking a seat next to him. The photographer is still looking through his black camera, eyes squinting while tilting the camera to get a better look. The nation knows Sehun as the very handsome young man with great dancing and rapping skills, whom also can sing, tall and broad despite the young age. He's also known as a sweetheart, and a heartbreaker. It's not that he's playing with the girls' hearts, he genuinely liked them. But it all died off. He lost interest. So instead of keeping the relationship with him not interested anymore, he'd rather cut it. In a good way. He doesn't want any problem with his ex's (he's not ready for an ex's song directed for him).

"Do any of them throw shade at you?"

"Surprisingly no." Yixing throws him a surprised look, "Not publicly, at least. Maybe inside they still feel bitter with me."

The photographer hums as an answer, putting the lid back on the camera. "So, do you have an idea on what we're going to do today?"

"Um, no?" The idol blink in confussion, "Should I?"

"Do you mind if I do a vlog about you? It's going to be involving me following you around for a day." He takes out his phone from his pocket, tossing it in the air then catch it in such an effortless way. "Your fans need some content."

Sehun feels a smile making its way on his face, satisfied with the idea. "Sure, I like that."

"Aight. I'll start shooting once we're out of this street." Yixing return the smile with his own, dent very visible on his cheek. He may not voiced it out but he's relieved the idol agreed to his plan. It was spontaneous, but he doesn't mind it.

"What? You're not going to film me in the shower?"

"Don't make me regret taking this job."

". . . I think no one will."

"You're right."


yes i'm still alive i've been veryveryveryveryvery busy and i'm sorry for the late update and a crappy one that is haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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