Chapter 2

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Thirty minutes later, Tara and I are pulling up to Bubba's address. We have "Zombie Nation" by Kemkraft 400 bumping on the sound system. My choice, not hers. I operate under one strict rule while driving: driver picks the music, shotgun shuts her piehole.

We've argued the entire way here about my costume. I ended up settling on wearing my jeans with an oversized fuzzy white long sleeved hoodie. I have the hood thrown up on my head which shows off the cute lamb face and ears stitched on. Yup, just call me Lamb Chop. I've been searching for the right opportunity to wear this ever since I picked it up from Hot Topic. Looks like fate has finally spoken.

"I don't get why you're dressed like you're in a convent," Tara pesters me as I search for a spot to park the car. Shit, the street is packed. I guess Tara wasn't lying when she said this party was gonna be epic. Thankfully, I find a spot not too far away from the house. I'd never hear the end of it if Tara had to walk more than a few steps in the sky-high boots she's wearing. In fact, she'd probably make me carry her to the door. No lie.

I turn the car off and look over at Tara in the passenger seat. She has the mirror flipped down on the sun visor and is checking her makeup. "I mean, you've got the goods Laur. Why don't you show them off?"

I roll my eyes. I'm not gonna bother trying to explain it to her cause she'll never get it. The word conservative isn't in Tara's vocabulary.

"Are you ready?" I ask, ignoring her question.

She purses her lips one final time and then flips up the mirror. "Let's go."


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