Chapter 6

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Another two chapters. Things are getting a bit intense!


I cross my arms over my chest as I pace around in a small circle. My heart is racing. I need some way to expend all this nervous energy. Anxiously, I wring my hands. It's so dumb that we're down here. In fact, I might need my head examined for agreeing to be here with Tara.

Next, I curse Bubba for daring her in the first place. That was an asshole move. Even worse, she agreed to it! I can't understand why she just can't think for once? My anger boils over now that it's just the two of us standing in the pitch black of the basement.

"Why did you agree to this?" I whisper yell. I need something to distract myself from the situation at hand. Otherwise, I think I might burst into tears.

"Me?" Tara scoffs. "Laur, no one asked you to play the hero. You could've just stayed up there. I don't need you."

I can't see Tara's face in this lighting but I can easily picture the look I'm sure she has on. It's the same one I've seen numerous times before. I swear, she's so ungrateful. Here I am trying to protect her and she doesn't even give a shit. You would think I would've learned by now. Clearly not. She can really be a bitch when she wants to.

"Fine," I spin on my heel towards the direction of the door. Tara doesn't want me here? Then I'm leaving. I don't care anymore. She can handle this shit herself. I'm out. I'll head back to the kitchen to drown my sorrows in chips and guac. Better yet, I should just jump in the car and drive away. I'm sure she can talk someone into giving her a ride home.

I take one step forward when I hear a noise. It sounds like the clanking of something metal falling on the ground. I freeze. My heart rate skyrockets.

"Laur!" Tara shuffles in my direction. I can tell she heard the noise too. We stand in silence for a few moments, listening closely for any other sounds. "I'm sure it was just a mouse..." she trails off.

Tara is standing so close to me now, I can smell the alcohol on her breath combined with her perfume. I try to take a deep breath but it's nearly impossible in the dampness of this basement. My whole body trembles in fear. I want this to be over with. Surely the five minutes is almost up by now?

The clanking happens again, this time louder. The hair stands up on the back of my neck. Nope. No. No more of this. I grab Tara's hand. We're getting out of here. I don't care if Bubba gives her shit for the rest of her life. She'll just have to deal with it.

I begin to lead us into what I think is the direction of the door. It's so dark, I really can't see much of anything. Tara is following close next to me, holding tightly onto my hand. Her palm feels clammy against mine. Or maybe that's just me? I can't really be sure.

All of a sudden, I feel breath on the back of my neck.

"Boo," a voice says.

Fright envelops me and leaves me breathless. Although my brain is screaming at me to run, I'm rooted to the spot in complete terror. Next to me, Tara lets out a blood curdling scream loud enough to wake the dead. She's so startled that she loses her balance in her sky high boots. I manage to catch her before she face plants but the momentum sends me falling backwards. I crash into what I can only imagine is a teetering pile of junk. The impact causes boxes and god knows what to come toppling down on me. I let out a cry of pain as something particularly hard strikes my ankle.

In the stunned silence that follows, as I lay there, all I can hear is laughing. Or should I say, more like cackling.

"Bubba!" Tara shrieks. Her voice is shaky. If she's anything like me, her heart is threatening to pound out of her chest.

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