Words of Wisdom/Random Thoughts

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It gets boring sometimes waiting for Ragnarok and there only so many times you can annoy the Aesir, so I get random thoughts and ideas that I think are worth sharing. 

If you think I the great Loki have lost my mind to boredom, you would be correct.

1. Love's a slow acting poison, and that Roman deity Cupid taints our hearts with it.

2. Interpreting reality is like pivoting. What really happened is the foot that never moves, how we choose to interpret the world is the other foot that moves to position us. Have both feet stuck, and you can't go anywhere in life, have both unrooted, and you risk spinning out of control, losing yourself.

3. Memory is the cruelest gift of all. It reminds us of what we were, but never able to reach it. Akin to the punishment of Tantalus, able to see the reward but never able to attain it.

4. I'm really bored. 

Your Humble Narrator

Loki the Great.

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