Update #4

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Ladies, gentlemen , and anyone in between, THE PRODIGAL JOTUN/GOD HAS RETURNED! 

So, what shall I muse about today?

Let's go with Thanksgiving.

I would like to thank my loyal 33 disciples in following me on my very brief journey of answering questions, and sowing mischief. I would not be as happy a god as I am  today without you esteemed mortals. 

I also wish to convey a simple if not brief truce with all those who I have conducted my mischief upon. I do wish everyone, regard less if they stand me with or the Aesir, a happy late Thanksgiving. 

Your Humble Narrator

Loki The Great.

The Book of Loki (Rants, Questions, Updates on the life of your's truly)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora