I can't just tear down my walls, I've spent years building them up so high no one can hear my cry, they're make of more fake smiles and I'm fines than I care to remember, they're built on my broken heart and hollow body, the foundation that lies beneath is steel and empty laughs that don't quite reach my eyes, every brick is another time I've swallowed my tears, every application of cement a smile I've spent years perfecting.

I can't just tell you why nothing makes me happy and everything makes me sad, I can't just tell you why I don't even feel anything at all sometimes, I can't tell you what's wrong or how to fix because I don't even know myself.

I can't just let you help me get better because all I know is I always give up fighting because even if I win for a little, it comes back and finds it's revenge. I can't just win this war because I'm in no condition to keep fighting but it's a battle to the death and everyone keeps telling to get up again but it's easy for them to say that when they're not the one getting hit every time.

By K.C.W.

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