Red Wrists
Her red wrists are cluttered.
As the blood drips down.
She paints her pretty picture
Are you happy now?

She paints and draws
But this is a different kind of art
Everyday she adds to her gallery
And this is so much harder to stop than start

Her red wrists are covered
Hidden from the world
Bandaged and wrapped
Pained from the words that were hurled

The questions never change; always stay the same
"Why would you do this to yourself? Do you KNOW what they would say?"
But what you don't know
Is she feels better this way

"What's it like?", you ask
And tell her to play dumb
"It's like your drowning." She says
And your body grows numb

The only sensation you feel
Is that but a sting
And the rush you once had
Comes back when you bleed

But the questions aren't over
"Can I leave you alone? Will you be okay?"
She simply smiles and nods, promising she will stay

But she never said of the demons that haunt her, and she'll kill them one day.

If anyone knows who wrote this, they did a brilliant job.

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