Prank Week

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Raiylynn Tomlison's P.O.V

I was about to see one of my favorite bands perform their sound check! I was not fangirling, but lets say I got excited when I saw my brother preform with his mates! I wonder how this will turn out. I was having fun with the lights. There were some pretty cool things I could do with a more punkish band then with my brother. They played real instruments so it was easier on the sound, we just had to make sure everybody could hear their voices and instruments.

Like for some songs they have the lights flashing and they are jumping around, that's the best part. They are so energetic! After they finished sound check my brothers band got up there. I know the basics for them, both of the bands are childish but that was the best thing everybody likes about them. Luke came and found me after I was finished with sound check set up.

"Hey Raiylynn? I was wondering if you were coming to the first concert after party?" He asked being all awkward. "Yeah sure. Sounds fun." I told him with a small warm smile. " Do you wanna come back and hang out with us?" Luke ask looking at me and giving me a killer smile with his baby blue eyes. "Yeah sure. Is my brother's band in there also?" I asked walking down the hall with him. "Yea we are having prank week this week." He told me grinning with mischief.

"I'm not part of this." I screamed immediately. But Louis knew I was, and I was on his side. "Seriously Ash, Cal and I were planning a massive prank on Zayn and we needed your help." He pouted at me. giving me puppy eyes. I caved, "Fine but only this once. What is it?" I asked. "You have to wait until the after party, Ash and Cal wants to tell ya." He told me.

After we got to the dressing room they all became quiet and stared at Luke and I, having a weird look on each face. "What were you doing alone in the hallways with my baby sister, Hemmings?" Louis said smirking at us. "N-n-nothing I was just bringing her back here." Luke stuttered turning into a tomato. Louis looked at me, time for a prank on Luke. "No he didn't Louis! He tried to kiss me!" I exclaimed. Luke looked at me with his eye bulging out.

I ran in Louis arms "crying". While Liam was "Giving him hard time". "I didn't kiss her, Sure I would like too but I just met the girl," Luke exclaimed the quickly covered his mouth. My 'crying' turned to giggles after I saw how flustered he was. "Got you!" I screamed at Luke. He looked very confused and adorable. "I got Luke! I got Luke!'' I was singing. "I thought that you weren't doing prank week!" Luke said with a pout on his lips. "Well I am and I got you! But I am pranking both sides so be prepared." I said.

"You want to kiss me Lukey?" I asked teasing Luke. He turned bright pink,"I didn't mean to say that! It slipped!" He explained. "But wouldn't that mean you've been thinking about it?" I questioned him. He turned even redder. "It's okay I find all ya boys, aside from Louis very attractive" I whispered in Luke's ear. "Umm how about we go get ready for the show boys?" Micheal said awkwardly. "Yeah I'll go check up on sound lighting." I smiled at the whole gang of boys in front of me.

"See ya boys! Good luck!" I told them as I walked out of the dressing room, and walked down the corridor. Today has been a good day! and it isn't over yet, we have the party and pranking Zayn still. Tonight is gonna be even better!


Hey It's Little Miss Nerdy here!! My friend Arrow and I will update every other chapter together!!!

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