Call Call Call Conversations (Meanie)

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I'm bored I wanna talk to someone and all my friends are busy

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts


I clicked the call button and put it on speaker, no one was in the room anyway so it's okay

Author ring ring ring lol

After four rings


"Lol hey Gyu" a chuckle was heard from the other line

"Hey Won what's up?"

"I'm bored and I have no friends" He put on a small pout

"So you decided to call me? What's up with that? Are you serious?"

"Don't be bitter~ that's my role you're being mean again Gyu"

A laugh was heard from the other side again

"Alright alright I'll stop teasing"

"I really hate you you know"

"Nah you love me"


"Any other reason why you're calling?"

"Umm...... how bout I miss you?"

Wonwoo blushes as he said those words and hid his face on his favorite pillow

And another chuckle was heard from the other line

"I miss you too Won"

"Are you coming back?"

"Yeah I'll be there in like 4 hours I'll see you mkay??"

"Yeah alright...."

"Come on don't be sad smile for me please??"

"Hmm alright I love you"

"I love you tooo so so so much"

"I love you to the moon and back"

"I love you so much to the Pluto and outside the Milky Way and waaaayyyyback"


"Heh I am cheesy as it sounds but I'm lucky to have you in my life Wonwoo"

"Ewwwww okay okay enough Gyu"

"Heh I have to go now we're coming home soon see you I love you"

"Alright see you soon I love you too Mingyu"

And with that both hanged up at the same time. Wonwoo smiling as he knew the love is his life was coming

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