3 || Party Time

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"Shut up! The Foreman's are still awake, we need to sneak this keg into the basement without them seeing." Hyde explained as they unloaded the heavy keg from the back of the El Camino. "And where's Jackie?!" He hissed between his teeth. The brunette had insisted she stay at the Foreman's while they went and picked up the keg because she wasn't feeling well, but she had looked perfectly fine. Hyde knew the bitchy broad had just used an excuse to keep away from him; it bothered him but he'd never let anyone know that.

"Mrs Foreman made brownies," her voice called as she slipped out of the front door with a brownie in her hand. "I found them when I went to the bathroom, I wanted to stay here so I could have them all to myself," she said with a musical tone on her last three words.

"Brownies?!" Fez's head popped up from behind the keg, his eyes wide. Kelso and Hyde, who were also carrying the keg, both started yelling "NO NO NO NO!!"

"FEZ!" Hyde yelled over Kelso, "Look at me, man." He said as Fez reluctantly pulled his gaze from the brownies, "You don't need it man. Bros before Brownies," Fez bit his lip and looked back at the brownie, "I do not remember making this agreement," he replied, obviously straining with his inner turmoil between helping his friends and helping himself to a brownie.

Jackie sauntered over and taunted Fez by taking a slow bite, "Mmm... she put chocolate chips in them too!"

Fez dropped his hold on the keg and ran towards the door, leaving Kelso and Hyde to struggle with the keg on their own. "Damnit Jackie!" Hyde snapped as he and Kelso maneuvered the keg towards the door and into the kitchen.

Donna walked in beside Jackie, picking off a piece of her brownie and popping it into her mouth. "I don't know Hyde, these brownies are pretty good." She chuckled, as Jackie leaned against Donna and laughed.

Hyde rolled his eyes as they headed down the hall to the basement, leaving the girls in the kitchen. Donna glanced around, "Where's Fez?" She asked. The two girls looked at each other and then glanced around the bar to find Fez sitting on the ground beside the fridge with the pan of brownies in his lap. When he looked up at them he had a mouth full of brownie, he quickly swallowed. "I don't have a problem," he murmured.

Donna and Jackie leaned back and looked at each other, "Yeah okay," Donna said, and they both cracked up before going down in the basement after the other boys.

Right as they disappeared Mrs Foreman opened the kitchen door, "What is with all the noise in here?" She yelled before she saw Fez on the floor with the brownies. "Oh... um... I never thought I'd say this, but... honey, can you please stop eating our food on the floor of our kitchen?" She asked as she walked in and got Fez a plate.

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