5 || Hangover

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With Hyde having apologized, The rest of the night went much more smoothly. The whole gang had an amazing time, but it was getting late...

Donna walked down the stairs into the living room where a very sleepy and already hungover Jackie was sitting on the couch. "I swear once Eric passes out drunk, he gets twenty pounds heavier. I hate having to carry him to his room like he's a toddler." She said before leaning against the back of the couch. "I'm about to drive Kelso and Fez home, do you want me to drop you off too?"

Jackie shook her head, "Matthew said he'll pick me up, I'll just wait," she said, leaning her head back, eyes already starting to look heavy.

Donna looked at her watch, "Jackie, he said he'd pick you up at 10... it's past midnight."

Jackie, already agitated due to being tired, rolled her eyes, "he said he'd pick me up AROUND 10,"

Donna chuckled, "whatever you say Jackie. I'm gonna go round up the rest of the morons downstairs. If he doesn't come, you know you can go to my house, the backdoor is open."

"Okay," Jackie replied, Donna's words going in one ear and out the other. It was quiet for a moment and she opened her eyes to find that Donna was gone. She sighed and closed them again.


"Come on Kelso," Hyde said as he helped his drunk friend up the stairs that lead from the basement to the backyard.

"Hey... hey hey hey wanna hear something funny?" Kelso asked, tripping over his own feet every few paces.

Hyde kept moving his friend towards Eric's car where Donna and Fez were waiting. "Not particularly" Hyde replied as he opened the gate that lead to the driveway.

"I've had sex with Jackie. And you've had sex with Jackie." Kelso said while laughing.

Hyde's eyebrows furrowed, "yeah. So?"

Kelso was laughing so hard he could barely get the words out, "it's like... it's like me and you hav-"

"Okay, let's stop right there before I hit you." He said opening the door to Eric's car and not-so-gently helping his friend inside.

Donna rolled down her window, "You coming with us?" she asked.

"Nah I'm gonna stay here," Hyde replied, closing Kelso's door, hitting his knee in the process. "OW!" Kelso's voice filtered from the backseat.

"Okay" Donna replied, cranking the car. "Check on Jackie for me. I told her she could stay at my house since her ride hasn't gotten here yet."

"Sure thing," he replied before the car backed out of the driveway. He stood there for a minute, realizing he was going to be alone with Jackie... for the first time in a very long time. He put his hands in his pockets and walked through the sliding door into the kitchen.

Before he opened the door into the living room, he couldn't help but take a moment to think about what he would say... he had apologized, but not for any of the things he wished he had apologized for. He stared at the door. Stop being a pussy and just open it. He took a breath and walked in, his mouth already open to say words he hadn't even really thought of...

He sighed, maybe out of disappointment, maybe out of relief. Even he didn't know at this point. Jackie had fallen sound asleep, sitting straight up on the couch, her head lolled off to one side. Hyde stood in the doorway for a moment, a soft smile covering his usually blank features, before he walked over to her.

"Jackie," he said gently, giving her shoulder a small squeeze as he sat down next to her. She groaned and rolled towards him. Hyde quickly caught her before she fell, quite literally, into his lap. "Come on Jackie, you need to go to Donna's house so you can sleep in a bed."

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