Chapter One

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For the last three years Taehyung had been living a dream he had never thought possible. He had gained millions of fans, five brothers, and...someone who he would do anything for, even if the other didn't feel the same. Now as Bangtan Sonyeondan was preparing for KCon NY, their Third Festa, and buckling down to work on a new album, Taehyung, better known a V, wondered just how great their life was about to get. Years from now he would see that anything his heart desired would be made possible through the work of not only himself, but BTS and ARMY as a whole. And maybe, just maybe, one bright eyed, beautiful boy who held Taehyungs heart.

Taehyung woke when it was still dark to a soft knocking on his door.

"Hyung?" he heard a soft voice call.

Taehyung groaned as he rolled over turning on his bedroom lamp and rubbing his eyes, hearing the soft knock come again. Heaving a soft sigh he stumbled out of his bed to open the door where he found a distraught looking Kookie holding a pillow and trying to wipe tear tracks from his face.

"Jungkookah?" Taehyung asked in quiet alarm. "What's wrong?"

The boy before him shook his head and tried to smile, trying to convince himself now that his hyung was up that he was just being stupid and that he should have just rolled over and gone back to sleep.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked again, crouching to catch his friends eye.

"Nightmare..." Jungkook mumbled, now feeling ashamed. "I had...a nightmare..."

Taehyung let out the breath he hadn't known he was holding as he closed his eyes in relief, reaching out and pulling the younger boy to him, wrapping him in a warm hug and patting his head.

"Come lay down," he said to the boy, pulling him with him and into his bed, pulling Kookie close and covering them both up.

"Tell hyung about your nightmare," V said as he closed his eyes, secretly lost in the scent of the boy before him, but wanting to comfort his dongsaeng who he cared for.

"It's stupid..." Jungkook mumbled.

"Tell me anyway," V said, looking into the boys eyes with sincerity.

"What if...Kcon goes bad?" Kookie asked, sounding small.

"It won't," V said firmly. "ARMY will be there. That is all that matters. Just one ARMY will make it okay, hmm?"

Jungkook sniffed and nodded at that.

"What...if our new album is no good?" he asked instead.

The members had worried a lot about their next album as it was their most personal album to date. Each of the members had participated in the composition of the tracks from lyrics to arrangements and many raw feelings had been exposed within the album.

"You are on it so it will be amazing," V said simply, holding his maknae a little closer.

"Hyung..." Kookie started.

"You should sleep Jungkook-ssi," Taehyung said. "Our flight leaves tomorrow and you know you can't sleep on the plane."

Kookie nodded at that.

"Can I..." he started.

Taehyung smiled softly at the boy before him, pulling him flush against him, his chin on the younger boys head as he rubbed his back and sang him to sleep.

The next morning Taehyung woke and made sure he had everything packed, throwing on his clothes for the day and going and gathering all of Kookies items, packing little things here and there that he knew the boy had forgotten before picking out one of Kookies favorite outfits for him and going to the kitchen to help Seokjin with breakfast, taking special care with Jungkook's plate.

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