Los Angeles ride.

25 0 0

5 p.m in snack-bar

-Stephan, you know what ? I don't wanna fall in love again. Love is a horrible thing... It destroy every single relation between people. I hate being in relation with someone, it never works...

-wait, wait... Why are you saying this ? Even that it's true... But in your voice, i hear deep crying, what's the problem sweetie ?

-there's no specific problem, i'm just feeling alone and not normal at all...
Like, no one can understand me.

-no you're just unique, you're like me, so i do understand every little feeling you can have, because in all cases, i feel the same like you. It's like i'm giving up on this thing called "love", i'm just living my life peacefully...and that's it. Don't be sad please Lana, you're such a wonderful girl, you deserves happiness.

-you're amazing. look how much you're making me better !! Boy .... You're literally the best.

I looked into his eyes, they are full of stars
It's like the entire galaxy is inside them
I feel hypnotized ... mostly when he smiles that way.

He interrupt me :
-give me your hand, we'll go, just you and i, to explore all places of los Angeles, let's have fun !

~he takes me from my hand ~

- ow wait but i didn't finished my cake yet !
- come on, i'll buy you hundred ones if you want

-you're crazy ! ~explode of laugh~

We get in his car of 90s, convertible car,
Having wind in our hair and  listening to rock music,

You're a doll
You are flawless
But i just can't wait for love to destroy us
I just can't wait for love

-oh !! this song !! It's my favorite, please increases the sound of the radio, it's the nighbourhood !

*I just can't wish better than that.
Me and my best friend ...
Los Angeles sunset... It's my paradise.

Those moments reminds me of something i've never lived before.
Maybe in a previous life...
It makes me nostalgic for something that never existed.

When i'm with him i forget all my pains, all my problems
We are just here, together, having fun
It's like we are in another world.
A world where the evil doesn't exist, where there's not wickdness and sadness nor all the bad things and feelings.

It's my shelter, when i feel bad, only being with him can makes me better.*

The sky is pink, and the Palm trees gives to the view a better look.
I put my head in the edge of the Window
I feel the air of the sea in my face

He stops driving, i understood that we're arrived .

-it's been so long that i didn't go to the beach.
-i spent all the holidays in the beach when i was in Florida.
-ow, that's why your skin is burnt haha

-i know that you love that, stop acting like you don't little girl, in any case, i'm not white as snow in summertime like you, look at your legs

-hey stop kidding me, I was not in a state of mind to go out.

-don't be mad, i'm just joking. You're so cute in this hight wasted short.

~i smile at him, i can't stop smiling when he's beside me~

-thank you.
-you're welcome my girl.

We take a place in the sand, and we are now facing the sea
The calm, and the summer heat gives
warm atmosphere
Even the sound of the waves And the blue color of the water mixed with the yellow and red colors of the sky gives a magical touch to the sight.

-it's beautiful... And so much inspiring
-and it's more beautiful because I have you here with me... finally, I don't wanna be alone again.
-i'm always here with you.
-me too... always and forever.

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