CH 18- Valentine's Day

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Donna had tackled Eric to the ground in the basement and Liz was sitting in a chair, trying to ignore them. Everyone else walked in and Donna begrudgingly got off Eric.

"Hey, Gilligan is on." Fez said happily as he sat down. "What're you doing in the floor?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why don't you guys get a room?" Hyde joked.

"We have a room, Hyde. It's called my basement." Eric said pointedly.

"Our basement." Liz corrected. "How about you use a non-shared space?" She suggested.

Hyde tried to get Liz up out of his usual chair, but she wouldn't budge, so he sat on Liz's lap instead. She laughed and pushed him to the floor. Hyde surrendered to sit in front of Liz and leaned back against her legs as she absentmindedly played with his curls.

"Well, I'm going home. Bye guys." Donna got up after sitting for a few seconds. She had obviously wanted some intimate time with Eric.

"Oh, so, Donna, don't forget. I'll see you tomorrow night at the library, right?" Hyde called after her.

"Yeah, right." Donna agreed. Liz looked at both Donna and Hyde suspiciously. The next day was Valentine's day, and Liz knew Donna was waiting for Eric to ask her out.

"I'll walk you home." Eric jumped up and walked after Donna.

"She lives right next door, man." Kelso didn't understand that the two wanted a minute alone.

"Yeah." Eric said and hit Kelso on the back of the head.

A couple minutes later, Jackie walked in and Eric followed.

"So, Eric... what were you and Donna talking all hot and heavy about?" Jackie asked.

"Your hair." Eric joked.

"Really?" Jackie asked excited.

"No. We're going out to dinner tomorrow night." Eric explained.

"Aww, your first date. And on Valentine's Day." Liz said sweetly.

"Uh, no. Donna and I are going to the library to study tomorrow night." Hyde argued.

"On Valentine's Day? Who studies on Valentine's Day?" Jackie asked as if it were ridiculous.

"Well, I didn't know it was Valentine's Day when I made the date." Hyde explained. "To study." He added.

"Well, I'm sure she just forgot about you." Eric said.

"We just talked about it a minute ago." Hyde pointed out.

"Women. You know, I mean..." Eric chuckled awkwardly. "Anyway, uh, I'm gonna give Donna my class ring." Eric informed the group. Jackie and Liz gasped and the guys looked at them funny.

"No, forget rings. You wanna score with Donna, use my super funk eight-track." Kelso suggested. Jackie raised her eyebrows at Kelso and Liz scoffed.

Kelso was such an idiot, Liz wondered how he landed Jackie.

"Anyway, I figure it's time to make it official. I mean, she's just been waiting for any jerk to swoop down on her." Eric said.

"And you're that jerk." Hyde said mockingly. Liz chuckled at that.

"Well, better me than some other jerk." Eric countered.

"Why are you looking at me? Hyde is the other jerk." Fez chuckled. Liz laughed at Fez's comment.

"Okay, but really, Eric? Donna is not a bimbo who sits in her tower waiting for some idiot to stumble by and find her. And the only jerk she's waiting around for is you. God, why does she even like you?" Liz chastised Eric for talking about Donna like he didn't even know her. Hyde smirked.

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