How Long its Been

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I look across the table from me to see Haru sitting peacefully, looking out the window of the café. I smile at her and ask her, "What are you lookin' at?"

She turns and smiles at me, "Haru's looking at the birds," She says. We both look out the window and see the birds flying around in the trees, I smile and look over at Haru. It's been three months since my last nightmare and I've had the best time in my life, I've realized there is nothing to worry about anymore. Also, the fact that Haru refuses to sleep in a bed except for the one I'm in. I don't mind though, I like having her close by, its soothing to have someone to cuddle into. I shake my head and realize the coffee arrived, I thank the lady and she walks off. Haru picks up her coffee and takes a sip, "This is so good, take a sip Tokaku," she tells me. I sigh then take a sip, as I do two people walk into the café causing me to spit my coffee out. It's Chitaru and Hitsugi. Haru looks at me worried, "Tokaku, what's wrong?"

I look at her and answer, "nothing, just... went down the wrong pipe, yeah." Chitaru looks over at me, she then mouths something. I nod to her, smiling, then she smiles back and goes back to what she was doing. I then turn my attention back to Haru, and try to have a good time.

~ Time Skip ~

I walk out the door of the café, holding the door for Haru. We begin our walk down the street and we joke around. I look over and Haru and feel happy. It's hard to explain but being with her makes me feel weird inside. After we got home, we walked in then we both went over to the couch and turned the TV on. Haru started scrolling through the channels and stopped on one, it had an advertisement for a couple's retreat. I nodded it off, but Haru got really excited, "We should sign-up" She yelled, excited.

I look over at her, "Why, it isn't like we're together," I asked with a questioning look on my face.

She got up from her spot and got on her knees begging, "please Tokaku, pretty pretty please, Haru really wants to go, You never know it could be fun."

I look down at her and roll my eyes, "fine I guess we can sign-up... doesn't mean we're gonna win though," I tell her.

She jumps up with excitement and hugs me, "thank you Tokaku, you're the best, I love you," she says before running into the bedroom to get her phone and sign us up.

I go back to watching TV before it clicks to me what she said, 'did she just say she loves m-' I think to myself before I'm cut off. Haru jumped onto me and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I just signed us up, I'm so happy," she says quickly.

I smile at her and say, "don't worry about it, I care too much about you to say no." She smiles and nozzles into my chest. I then notice what position we are in and quickly try to get up but can't as Haru has fallen asleep. I give up and grab a close by pillow and fall asleep myself, comfortably.

~ Time Skip ~

I walk up to see Haru gone, I worryingly look around and see her in the kitchen making herself a sandwich. I sigh in relief, get up, and then walk over to Haru. She smiles at me, "morning Tokaku, Haru made you a sandwich if you want," she says.

I smile back at her and take the sandwich, "thank you," I say before taking a bite. After we finished eating I walked into the bedroom to get dressed. I hear a scream come from the living room so I run in to see what happened. Haru is standing next to the phone with the look of pure joy on her face.

She looks at me and says, "we won, we won the couple's retreat." I look at her with a smile on my face.

"Well when is it," I asked her, excitedly, I haven't been excited for something in a while.

"It's in a week, on Friday," she says. I walk over to her and hug her.

"Well then Friday it is, it's week long right," I ask her. She nods and I continue to hug her, "Friday it is then," I say quietly, just enough for her to hear.


Hey everybody, I am SOOOOO sorry for such a long delay. I've been going through a LOT of real life stuff. If you want to find out what's going on with me and my life, I should by the time this is done have an update "chapter" up explaining everything. Hopefully you all enjoyed the long awaited chapter 3, "How Long its Been." Hope you all have a wonderful, beautiful day, LOVE YOU ALL, BYEEE.


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