Chapter Three

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"Jimmy, can you go check the Tortuga's calibration?" asked Aviva.

"Again? I just checked it this morning."

"The Tortuga's systems are very complicated and sensitive. We have to consistently monitor to adjust the ship to the humidity of the  rainforest. When you come back, lunch will be ready." Jimmy left.

With the boys all gone at last, Aviva leaned on Koki's shoulder. "Did you make that up?"

"Pretty much. Anyway, are you feeling okay?" asked the black woman.

"This is the fifth time you've asked me that."


"In the last two hours."

"Sorry. No, not sorry. I'm just anxious. I've never done this before."

"Koki, you have four brothers, three sisters, twelve nieces and a nephew. I think you're probably familiar with a pregnant woman, or with a baby." Aviva clamped her lips shut. "I can't believe I said that word."

"What word?"

"The b-word."

Koki opened her mouth to reply, but suddenly there was acrid smoke coming from the cook stove.

Aviva slapped her hand to her forehead."Oh crap! The soup scorched. Tchh!"

"It's okay. I should have been paying attention to it."

"No. It's not okay. The boys are counting on me, and I'm letting them down!" A look of anguish crossed Aviva's face. She closed her eyes and she looked about to succumb to exhaustion, stress, and anxiety.

"Hey. Hey." Koki put her arm around Aviva's shoulders. "It's going to be okay."

Aviva looked at her with a flat expression. "You sure about that?" She shrugged off Koki's arm and went to open more soup.

Koki feelings were hurt, but she didn't try to stop her friend and lover from work.

Something she would later regret.

Aviva felt her hair damp against her forehead. She didn't try to push it back. The salty sweat stinging her eyes was keeping her awake.

The soup was on (again). She could smell the hearty tomato broth. Her stomach growled. Eat. I just need to eat. So far she had not been queasy, no morning sickness.

She thought back to that night when she conceived. She hadn't told the father yet.

He had no idea.


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