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Sam's POV
2 weeks later.....

It's been two weeks.And I know that Jon is in a relationship with Gaia.I felt pretty bad.Like he only used me for fun.For a few days I'm feeling sick,throwing up.I have my best friend in my house.Her name is Ella.She's amazing.

We're sitting and watching Netflix.Suddenly I feel something in my stomach.I ran in the bathroom and threw up.YUCK... "Ummm Sam?"Ella said. "Yeah."i said
"When did you last had sex?"Ella asked.I thought about it.I last had sex with Jon. "I had last with Jon.Maybe he didn't wore a condom."i said in horror. "I will go and buy a test.You wait here"said Ella. "O-ok..."i said quietly.

Tatatatta drama.What will happen next?Little update -.-

Samia Xxx

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