Ch 7

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Hi ✌️
Third POV

As soon as each prince had arrived at Yixing's office.  Where he has all of his healing remedies and instruments, needed. What came in handy, was that his office happened to be attached to his own bedroom.  The hospital was built to be attached right next to Princes wing.  As the wing itself was huge.  The hospital was big, with two floors.  Yixing's bedroom had a narrow passage where he could easily reach his office and more generally, the hospital.  As he was the Royal Healer, due mainly that of his own power of healing. 

After Yixing had set down Suho onto a sofa, that happened to be placed there. He quickly gathered up his medical instruments, into a bag.  Slipping the bag onto his arm. Lifting Suho, back into arms. With absolute carefulness. He went over to one of the wall. Carefully, moving his hands, till a click was heard. A section of the wall, disappears leading to a hallway. Where his brothers and their soulmates were all still fully unconscious. To soon arriving at an end of the hallway. Yixing pushes the wall again. This time into his own bedroom.

"Quickly place them onto the bed," Said Yixing. As he did with Suho. His brothers in tow. After all the princes placed their soulmates onto the bed, which had more than enough room. The performers all subconsciously had gathered. As if they knew that they were all together. All of them formed a bundle, like puppies.  Tightly pressed together.  Most likely would be able to feel each others, soft snuffs of breaths.  By how tightly wound up they were.  All the princes could think of were how adorable their soulmates looked. 

"Cute," Jongin Said sharing out loud.  The exact thought that they all had shared.  All his brothers responded with either a hum or nod. 

Yixing went over towards Tao, who was the closest.   As he was at the right outer most part of the bundle.  His face buried into the crook of Lu(Han)'s shoulder. Completely covered from the outside world. What obviously could be spotted, was that he was the tallest out of all the performers. After gently placing his bag beside, Tao. Taking precautions to not wake them up and startle them. Yixing got out his stethoscope and checked his pulse. Making sure that it was good. Putting the stethoscope away, he placed his hand onto Tao. This time using his powers to channel, throughout Tao's body. To make sure that there was no life threatening matters, that needed to be attended immediately to. Making sure to check, closely for the effects that could have happened. After being injected with the dart. He proceeded to do the same with the other performers. After Tao, then Lu(Han), D.O, Suho, Baek(hyun) and ending with Xiumin. After healing them. You could see that their complexions were returning to normal.

After releasing a soft breath, Yixing stepped away from his bed and said, "They will be fine. They dart just happened to cause them to go unconscious. But they should be waking up at any moment now. That I removed the effects off the dart, rendering it to cause any damage."

Right as he finished. A flutter of eyelids were seen. But what the princes were not prepared for the scene that had out-folded in front of them. First sitting up. Then from each of them, there came a vary of stretches of bodies. Faint sounds of some bones popping.

"Wah, don't remember the last time that we slept this comfortably." Spoke Baek.
Soft laughs followed. D.O., who was right next to him. Happened to be on the opposite end of Baek's fist. Got a fist on the head. As Baek turned to see who he had accidentally hit, while stretching. His expression quickly changed. D.O. was giving him a glare. If glares could kill, then he would be long gone. Buried six-feet under the earth.

Xiumin who was beside Baek, Said "D.O and Baek, it's to early for this."

The princes were still wondering, how exactly haven't the performers haven't noticed them or where they were.
Not a second thought, Lu(Han), Said as he had read their minds, "Where exactly are we?" While he looked around the room, setting his sights on the six princes.
"Your majesties,"Said Suho. Quickly responded as he saw who Lu(Han) was staring at. Which had swiftly caught the attention of the rest. Who were previously half-awake. Became fully awake. Well more to an extent as Tao, and Baek who happened to have fallen back asleep. Chanyeol and Yifan were both looking at their soulmates. The ones who were awake and not staring at their sleeping mates. Watched at the cute scene, that in front of them.
"Tao's usually one of the lightest sleepers, in the group. Thou I won't saw the same for Baek,"Said Xiumin. A light laugh following after.
"Should we wake them up," asked Lu.

"I think that it would be best too. For what we are all going to tell you." Said Yifan.

"Is it possible, for us to wake Baek and Tao." Asked Chanyeol. Referring to himself and Yifan.

The performers looked at each other, communicating with their eyes. Conflict reflected through each face. Each performer fully aware, that each of them carried their own weapons, on them always.
"I apologize Prince Yifan and Chanyeol, but that wouldn't be a good idea." Said Suho. Taking in all precautions.
"It is fine," replies Yifan.
The performers moved towards Baek first, "Baek hyung, wake up."-D.O. .
A grumble was the reply. And a glare in return.
With a sigh, they all looked to each other and started shaking Baek. Moving him towards the edge of the bed. Xiumin and D.O placing pillows onto the ground.
As if Baek felt that he was going to fall. A shriek came out of him. As he screw around, doing his best to stop himself from falling. But as he was moving around, his foot got caught in the sheets. Resulting in his fall. The pillows that were placed, broke his fall. Before a grumbling of words follow. As he gave a pointed look to the rest of the performers.
The sound of the thud, eruptly woke up Tao. As he let out a scream. Which had startled the princes. But the performers looked as if it was common. Tao was shaking, with glassy eyes. Each performer quickly forming a protective embrace around him. Softly whispering gently words. Visibly, after some time had passed by. Tao looked as he calmed down.
All Yifan wanted to do, along with his brothers were to get their soulmates. Into their own embrace. Sending words of comfort. Slowly getting angry, wondering who had caused his soulmate to react like this. For Tao to wake up this shaken up and screaming. Relaxing slightly, when Yixing places his hand onto his shoulder, using his eyes to ask " what's wrong". Yifan quickly replied with a later.

"Is everything good now," Asked Jongdae. All the performers looking up into his gaze and nod. The two who where asleep. Both tensed up. Well more than they already were. Along with the others.
"Let's go over to the couches. So that it would be a little bit easier to talk." Said Jongin. After settling with the couches, that were placed carefully. Looking out into the palace's main garden.

"So let's get started shall we. Do any of you happen to know what are soulmates?" Said Chanyeol. As none of them knew the answer.
Sehun Said, "Soulmates are our fated one, our other half and destined partner."
"Which you are our soulmates." Said Yixing.
"What do you mean by that we are your soulmates? And who? If I can your majesties" Questioned Suho.
"None of you have to call us by our Royal titles. As eventually it would also be your own." Each prince grimaced at the fact of their soulmates calling them by their royal titles.
"Y- ah Who is who's soulmate then," Said Baek.
"Baek, you are my soulmate as I am yours." Said Chanyeol. Baek giving a shy smile.
"Tao, we are each other's soulmate." Said Yifan.
"D.O., we are each other's fated one,"Said Jongin.
"Xiumin, you are my other half. " Said Jongdae.
"Lu, we are soulmates." Said Sehun.
" And Suho, we are each other's other half." Concluded Yixing.
The princes were impressed by their soulmates as they appeared to be taking to the news, pretty impressively.
"So what does this become of," Asked D.O..
"You would be living in the palace. Learning how to rule our kingdom, together. By your side." Said Jongin, focused solely on D.O..
"But we can't do that. We still have to get back." Said Xiumin.
"None of you are going to go back to there. You all obviously were mistreated. Your own boss, shot a dart at you. Rendering you unconscious. One of your own were injured by them." Jongdae firmly said. His eyes turning electric blue and sparks are starting to appear.
The last point had hit the performers close to home. But each other getting injured by one of their bosses workers, the pain-staking training; with barely any food for their body to help and even by their boss, himself. With years that went by. They had to sooner or later get used to it. Never knowing what will happen next and to whom.
"Skipping onwards, I have a couple questions." Yixing paused. Then continued, " who is the oldest and who's the youngest?"
"I'm the youngest, while Xiumin hyung is the oldest." Said Tao. With an acknowledgement, Yixing processed.
"Why do you all wear your masks?" -Yixing.
"We don't know, ever since we um... arrived. We always had to wear a mask. What was weird, was that we were the only ones who had to wear the masks, no one else did or had to. If we didn't then would get punished."-Lu.
Not wanting to get them more aggregated.
Yixing calmly said, "Will you be able to remove your masks. You don't have to. But it would be nice. Since Suho already doesn't have his on anymore. I wouldn't want to be the only one to be able to see. My soulmate's beauty." Which caused Suho to blush.

Author's note
Chapter ✅
Words 1756
Thanks for reading and please give feedback or comment. But still thank you for reading.
P.S. who's seen exo's comeback yet😆

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