Chapter 3

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When Rose walked into camp the first thing that caught her eye were the teens. there were 20 of them. she expected more. A big man walked up to her. he looked like a coach with his baseball cap and a whistle around his neck. 

''And who may you be, girlie?'' the coach guy asked. ''Eummm. I'm Rose Miller sir.'' Rose answered. ''Ah yeah the new girl. we've been waiting for you. so get you're ass over there.'' He pointed to the rest of the teens who were standing together.

Rose walked over to the rest and stands akwardly besides them. ''Welcome to St Clarisse Camp for Troubled Children you dimwits. Cause that's all you are. Trouble. ''The coach guy almost screamed. ''Is he allowed to talk to us like that?'' Rose whispered to the guy next to her. 

''You have no idea.'' The guy answered and looked back to the coach guy. ''My name is John Cleveland, but you call me sir or mister Cleveland. This camp is going to make you a better person. So you better act like one or else I'm going to kick your sorry asses.''

Rose was a bit overwhelmed. what has she gotten herself into. ''You got a number the day before you got here. Go find you're group.'' Nobody moved. ''If you don't find your group in 5 minutes You're sleeping outside tonight!'' Everybody began to scream their number. Rose had number 8.

The guy that was standing next to her came up to her. ''Hey, my name is Logan, what's your name?'' I'm Rose.'' she replied. ''Nice name. what number are you?'' Logan asked while he smiled. ''number 8, and you?''

''Me too! Come with me, those 2 guys over there are also number 8.'' ''Wait. I'm the only girl?'' Rose asked. ''Don't we have to sleep in the same tent and stuff?'' ''Oh yeah, I didn't think about that.'' Logan replied

Rose knew that Logan was an innocent guy, he was very sweet. not the kind to do something stupid. she wondered how he ended up here. ''Well, let's first go to mister Cleveland then.''

they walked up to coach guy to explain everything. Mr Cleveland was arguing with an other student. ''Because Susan, last year you also facked it up. so noooooo. you are not the leader of group 5.'' Susan walked away, angry.

Cleveland turned around and his face dropped when he saw Logan and Rose. ''What now, collins?'' ''Oh, it's not me sir it's Rose actually. she is the only girl in our group and I thought that it may be a little inappropriate to let her sleep in a tent with 3 other guys.''

''Not this again.'' Mr Cleveland said. ''I don't have time for this, just let her sleep there and behave yourselfs.'' He said as he walked away screaming, ''NO JIMMY DROP THAT STICK, YOU AIN'T GONNA POKE MASON WITH IT OR I'M GOING TO POKE YOU IN THE ASS WITH THAT STICK.''

''Well okay then.'' Rose said. ''Let's go to the rest of the group'' ''Okay.'' Logan answered

AN - okayy so finally I posted it on time. i hope you liked it. peace out <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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