The End

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"(Y/N)? You're in there too? Let me in!" You clutched the handle harder, shaking with resolve and ignoring the tears streaming down your face as you heard his voice. 

"Please (Y/N)!" Hearing his brother in distress, you sensed Jungkook tensing up but before he could do anything, you grabbed him with your free hand. Somehow you managed to hold him back and keep the door closed until Namjoon gave up and ran away. 

Once he was gone, you released Jungkook, unlocking your fingers from his wrist. Both of you sat in horror of what had just happened. He, because you just denied Namjoon safety from a potential serial killer and you because you believe that Namjoon was the killer. 

Kookie reached up slowly and pushed the door softly open and stepped out. With one last look to the prop, you followed him. "We have to help Namjoon." He said quietly.

"No Jungkook." You reached up to touch his shoulder. "It's him. It's Na-" He slapped your hand away.

"No! That's my brother you're talking about!" He shook his head, erasing the image of Namjoon causing the horrors that fit so easily into a place such as this. Your heart ached in your chest, seeing the poor boy confused and in pain.  "It's not Namjoon."

But he sounded unsure.

"He's the only one with intercom access. And didn't you see the person who shut the door on us?" Again, he shook his head. This time when you placed your hand on his shoulder, he let it stay there. "It's him. We need to get out of here, I doubt that any civilians are left and if they are, they're hardly our responsibility now."

He raised his eyes to meet yours and with a pained breath, he agreed. Then, somewhere deep inside the building, a familiar scream met your ears. 

"Jin!" Whatever agreement the two of you had just come to was now out the window. The boy's eyes became wild as his protective instincts kicked in. He turned and ran towards the sound, leaving you alone in the hallway.

"Wait Jungkook!" You sprinted after him but he was faster. Just as he was out of sight, you tripped over something and fell to the ground. Groaning, you raised your hand up to your face, gasping in horror when you saw that the color of it was different in contrast to your exposed arm. In the dark you couldn't see what horrid substance covered it but you had a horrible guess.

You didn't look to see what you had tripped over.

You didn't want to know.

You stood up and stumbled around the corner, running through the dark hallways only to soon slam into something that you identified as a person. Their grunt of surprise gave them away, though their voice was more scared then you had ever heard it. Yoongi. He helped you up and you saw that there were two other people behind him. Jimin and Hoseok were supporting one another, both crazed and disheveled.

Looking at them all you asked a question that filled you with dread. "Where's Taehyung?" He had been Namjoon's partner. They all looked at one another, unable to answer. You realized that they didn't know about Namjoon.

"Oh, you don't know. Namjoon is the killer. He spit us up so he could pick us off." 

You watched as the idea entered their minds and they tried to brush it off, but they couldn't ignore the unusual soundness of it. When they said nothing, you continued. 

"We need to find Seokjin, Jungkook and Taehyung and get out of here."

"(Y/N), it's not Namjoon. We saw the killer, we snuck past as he was apparently enjoying the doll room. He's got brown hair." Yoongi said, throwing your mind into turmoil. An image of Joonie's blonde hair flashed through your mind. You head slowly turned to look over your shoulder as you remembered tripping in the hallway over something, or someone. And oh god, the blood. You had left him at the mercy of the murderer. 

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