Chapter 1

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Ahsoka was driving through the lower levels of Coruscant on her speeder that she had recently bought. She had just started driving further down towards the core of the planet when some sparks flew up at her from one of the controlls.
"No, no, no!" she said frustrated. All of a sudden the speeder let out a puff of smoke and started plummeting downwards. Ahsoka lost her balance and almost flew off the speeder but luckily managed to grab hold of the handlebars. Air rushed past her face as ships whizzed above and below her in too much of a rush to help her out. Directly infront of her, a speeder was coming closer and closer to her. Swiftly, she walked along the side of it then let her feet drop when the speeder had passed and they had nothing left to grip onto.
"Hey!" the driver shouted.
"Sorry," Ahsoka said with a twinge of guilt. Frantically, Ahsoka glanced up at the controlls on her speeder. She outstretched a hand whilst keeping her other one tightly gripped around one of the handlebars. Desperatley, she tried to make the speeder come to a halt whilst dodging nearby ships, ignoring themany angry cries she got from nearby drivers. Suddenly, the blue engine lights flashed and she accelerated towards a large vessel. Her eyes widened in horror. The distance was closing between them fast. She had to change the course of her speeder. Now. Just as she was about to be crushed into pieces, Ahsoka nudged one of the buttons on the handlebar and the speeder jerked upwards and she flipped back onto its seat. It came to a stop a few meters away merely knocking off the satellite dish on the vessel instead of crushing her. "Huh, alright," Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief.

But her troubles weren't over. A few seconds later the speeder rattled and decided to fall downwards again.
"Oh no," she moaned. Smoke trailed behind it as she tried to regain control. She tried to hit the break with her heel but that just caused more sparks to fly out.
"Ugh, come on!" Ahsoka looked ahead of her, hoping to find a place to land. She spotted a ledge, which looked like it had a shop perched on it, that her speeder was heading towards. It wasn't ideal - the landing zone was far too short but it was all she had. She took a deep breath then ran across the wall and braced for impact as her speeder crashed into the shop, sending canisters and boxes flying. It screeched against the metal surface of the ledge but didn't stop. The edge was approaching fast. Ahsoka wanted to kick herself, she knew the landing zone had been too short. Then, her speeder jerked to a hsulf as the bottom of it got caught against the edge of the platform. Ahsoka tumbled off the speeder but managed to grabb one of the handlebars before plummeting to her doom. She gazed down and saw debris falling bellow her.

Without another glance, she climbed back up onto the platform and hauled her broken speeder up with her.
"What a piece of junk!" she muttered.
A few meters behind her a man was watching her curiously. He kept out a small laugh at this.
"I should've know better than to trust a used speeder salesman," Ahsoka continued. The man lifted his googles and put down his sauntering iron. "Good job Ahsoka, what a wonderful mess you've gotten yourself into."
"Ahsoka," the man repeated. Ahsoka spun around, her eyes settling on the man. "Ahsoka what?" She eyed him warily but eventually decided to tell the truth.
"Tano," she mumbled. "Ahsoka Tano."
He nodded and held out a hand to her. "I'm Nyx. Nyx Okami." Ahsoka looked him up and down before reluctantly shaking the stranger's hand then returning to tend to her speeder. Nyx followed her and took in the damaged speeder. "Having trouble with your speeder?" he asked, gesturing to it.
"Well it's meant to be brand-new," she muttered, avoiding the question. She started fiddling with the engine.
"Need some help eith that?" Nyx inquired.
"No, no I've got the situation well under control thanks," she reassured him just as a puff of smoke flew into her face. "Urgh," she coughed.
Nyx smirked at her. "Yep that looks well under control."
"Hey I'm actually a really good mechanic I just need the right parts that's all," she snapped.
Nyx held up his hands apolegetically. "Well I could help you out with the parts if you like and as for your mechanical skills that you brag about, well I could use a hand around the shop so if you wanted a job you'd be more then welcome to show off those skills to me." Ahsoka raised an eyebrow at him, considering his offer. "I'll help you fix your speeder too," he added as more smoke flew off it.
"Alright," Ahsoka agreed, "Thanks." They carried the speeder into Nyx's shop set it beside some other vehicles needing repair. "I don't suppose you know any good places I could stay do you?" Ahsoka asked him. She already managed to get a job, now all she needed was a place to stay and she'd be fine.
"Well you could stay here with me if you like," Nyx replied. "I have a spare room you could use."
"Really?" she said suprised. So far it has been a decent day. First a job and now a place to stay. He nodded at her. "Wow thanks." She gave him a genuine smile.
"So how much are we talking for the room and your speeder then?" he asked, leaning against the wall. Ahsoka frowned. She didn't have a lot of money on her and didn't know if she could afford all if this.

Her trail of thought was interrupted by a loud growl. "Okami!" somone shouted. Three figures came into view: an alien man and two thugs. "Do you have what you owe me?" the alien man asked.
"Hey, hey!" Nyx chuckled but Ahsoka could sense that he was actually nervous. She watched them cautiously from a distance. "Pintu! I was just coming to see you. I was just helping a new client... rebuild her speeder, and I was waiting for her to pay me the last few credits she owed me." Nyx gestured towards Ahsoka and she waved at the three people.
"So," boomed the alien. "Where's my money?" Ahsoka eyed the thugs cracking their knuckles behind him.
"I'm just a few credits short," Nyx said smoothly, adverting his gaze to the floor.
"Then this is going to hurt pretty bad, Okami." Without hesitation, the two thugs rushed towards Nyx. Nyx grabbed a pole from behind him. Ahsoka smirked and rolled her eyes.
"Well,the question is," Nyx started raising the pole behind him. "Will this hurt me or you?!" He struck one of the thugs hard in the stomach and continued to twirl the pole around. However, the other thug smacked him so hard he crashed against the table. Ahsoka winced. The other thug, who had apparently recovered from Nyx's previous blow, sized Nyx and threw him to the ground. Nyx didn't give up though. He kicked one of them into a shelf, sending various items crashing on top of them.
"Hm." Ahsoka said. "You're doing pretty good." Just as she said that one if then proceeded to punch Nyx in the gut.
"You can go get help anytime you want, Ahsoka!" Nyx exclaimed, his voice cracking as the thug hit him in the back of the head.
"But only if you let me stay free of charge," Ahsoka requested.
"Free?!" Nyx stared at her in shock. "No way!" The thugs took advantage of him being distracted and continued to throw him across the room sending pain searing across him limbs.
"Hm." Ahsoka hummed, smirking at him and folding her arms. One of the thugs shoved his head onto the table.
"Fine!" Nyx sighed. "Free of charge! Just go get help!" They smacked his head again sending him tumbling to the ground. Ahsoka narrowed her eyes to glare at them then jumped over the table. She kicked them both in the stomachs simultaneously, avoiding every hit they attempted to place on her. She kneed then both in the groin which had them howling in pain on the floor.
"I think you want to leave now." Ahsoka warned.
"Ugh," The large alien man said. "Tell Okami his debts are far from being paid." He and his thugs and quickly turned and ran away, dissappearing from view. Ahsoka turned to help Nyx up.

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