Chapter 2

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Nyx looked at Ahsoka, his eyes wide. "I... You... I mean... You... Wow," he stammered still in shock of how she'd made if look so easy driving them off. Ahsoka couldn't help but smile. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"
Ahsoka hesitated. She couldn't tell him the truth. It was too risky. "I was raised in a rough area," she replied. It wasn't completely a lie. She had after all lived her life mainly in a warzone as a Jedi.
"Wow," he repeated, stunned. "You need to teach me how to fight like that someday." Ahsoka laughed slightly. That hurt her chest. It felt like she hadn't laughed in ages after everything that had happened with the Order. "Come on, I'll show your room," Nyx told her ayoufter recovering from his shock. He gestured for her to follow him to the back of his shop where he had a small apartment. He stopped outside the door to open it but before he went in Ahsoka stopped him. She touched his arm gently where a bruise had started to form from his encounter moments ago. She hadn't noticed it before until he'd rolled up his long, sleeves. She observed that bruises ran all up his arms. Nyx winced slightly at the contact.
"Sorry," Ahsoka said sympathetically.
"It's nothing, don't worry. I've had worse happen before," Nyx responded and they marched through the door.
"Well at least put some ice or something cold on it to stop the swelling," Ahsoka suggested.
Nyx turned to her and grinned. "You know, maybe letting you stay for free won't be so bad after all."
With that he opened a door at the far back of the living room. Through it was a bedroom. "It's not much but it's home," Nyx said. Ahsoka nodded and observed her surroundings. The room had plain grey walls, with a bed each end and a small cabinet inbetween them.
"So when you say you have a spare room you mean you have a spare bed?" Ahsoka asked.
"Well..." Nyx brushed his hair back nervously, "yeah."
Ahsoka let out a small laugh. "It's alright, thanks again Nyx. I owe you one."
Nyx let out a sigh of relief. "Well I'll be back in a bit. I've just got a few more things to do then I'll close up the shop and we'll talk about the shop schedule." Ahsoka nodded at him and he strolled out of the door leaving her alone to her thoughts.

That evening, ahsoka was lying on the couch in the living room. It had been a while since she had sat on something so comfortable. Nyx crashed down beside her and let out a yawn.
"Tired already Nyx?" Ahsoka teased.
"Hey this kinda work is tiring stuff Ahsoka. You better get used to it," he said tiredly then winced slightly as he knocked his arm against the side of the sofa.
"I told you to put some ice on it Nyx," Ahsoka said concerned.
"Yeah well I was busy," he said leaping off the sofa and getting some ice from the fridge.
"Here let me," Ahsoka said, taking the ice from his hand and gently pressing it to each of his bruises. Whilst she did this Nyx couldn't help but stare at her. With his good arm, he gently raised his hand to stroke her white markings on her face. Ahsoka was startles at first and almost lost grip of the ice but soon pretended not to notice Nyx touching her skin as she dabbed the ice against his.
"Nice tattoos you've got there," Nyx commented.
Ahsoka blushed slightly then let out a laugh. "They're not tattoos Nyx. I was born with them."
"You were born with tattoos?"
"No I they're facial markings. All of my species have them. They're unique to every Togruta," she explained.
"Huh, I'm still gonna call them tattoos," Nyx joked, letting his hand drop back down to his side.
"How's your arm feeling now?" Ahsoka asked.
"But better now thanks Ahsoka," he smiled at her then took the ice from her hand. "I'll do these ones if you like." before he could explain to her what be meant, he lifted his shirt off and started dabbing the ice on the few bruises scattered around his chest. Ahsoka blushed and looked away awkwardly.
"I...I'll give you some space," she said and walked into the bedroom.

A few moments later, Nyx walked in - still with his shirt off. "So about this schedule?" Ahsoka pressed.
"Oh yeah the schedule right well I guess you take half of the jobs and I take the other half. Wel sort anything else out in the morning. I'm too tired right now," he yawned again.
"Alright," Ahsoka replied. "Night."
"Night Ahsoka," Nyx said before drifting off to sleep. It wasn't long before Ahsoka soon followed.

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