Chapter 3

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Ahsoka was lying in bed one morning. Weeks had passed since she had first met Nyx and she already felt like she was at home. They had managed to make twice the profit then Nyx had done before when he was alone and they had managed to fix her speeder and pay off some of Nyx's many debts. Her eyes were still closed as she was still half asleep. She heard fumbling in the bed across the room from her and knew that must be Nyx waking up. Instead of heading straight out of the door however, today he walked over to Ahsoka and gently stroked her cheek. "Sleeping beauty," she heard him whisper as he pressed his lips lightly against her forehead before getting up swiftly and marching out of the door. Ahsoka felt her face go red hot but couldn't help but smile.

Ten or so minutes later, after she had taken in what had just happened, Ahsoka got out of bed to have a shower. She passed Nyx on the way to the bathroom. "Morning 'Soka," he said cheerily whilst pooring himself a drink.
"Hey," Ahsoka smiled before closing the door behind her and having a shower. After she'd finished she got dressed then walked back out into the living room to find Nyx making her some toast for breakfast. Surprised she rushed over to him, taking the bread out of his hands.
"Hey Nyx stop treating me like royalty, you don't have to do that for me. You're busy."
Nyx grinned and gazed into her eyes saying, "But you are royalty to me." Ahsoka rolled her eyes at him. "Give me the damned toast Okami." He shook his head and she ended up chasing him around the kitchen for it until he fell down onto the sofa, pulling her down with him. Ahsoka wriggled on top of him still trying to get the toast from out of his hand but he flipped them over so he had her pinned down on the sofa. He laughed as he placed it just out of her reach.
"Now Ahsoka be a good girl and let me treat you for once," Nyx told her, smiling. Conscious of how close their bodies were she decided to let him make her breakfast.
"Urgh, fine!" Ahsoka said pretending to sound annoyed but was secretly happy. A triumphant smile lit up Nyx's face as he clambered off of her and returned to the kitchen.

Nyx returned moments later with some toast on a plate.
"Miss here is your order," he said putting on a posh accent and handing her the toast.
"Why thank you sir," Ahsoka laughed, taking the toast and taking a bite. "Mmh it's nice!" she exclaimed.
"Glad you think so!" Nyx replied and sat down next to her, watching her finish her toast.
"So what are we doing today?" Ahsoka asked through mouthfuls of food.
"Nothing it's our day off."
"Wait we get days off here?" Ahsoka was so taken aback that she almost choked on her toast.
Nyx let out a laugh. "Well yeah, this is my shop, I make the rules."
Ahsoka was just about to get up to wash up the now empty plate but before she could Nyx swept her up in his arms and carried her and the plate bridal style to the kitchen.
"Hey I can walk!" Ahsoka protested as Nyx gently set her down upon the work surface.
"Well if you're that keen on getting to the kitchen I thought I'd take you there," Nyx teased, playfully poking her on the shoulder. Ahsoka rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile as Nyx took the plate from out of her hand and washed it up. He then scooped her up in his arms again. This time she didn't protest. She would never admit it to Nyx but she secretly loved the moments they shared like this. As the light from the lamp flickered on Nyx's face as he carried her, she couldn't help but notice how beautiful he was. She wrapped her hands around his neck for support until he placed her lightly on his bed. He layed down next to her and removed his shirt. Ahsoka gazed at his bare chest. "Why do you always take your shirt off in bed?" she inquired.
"I don't know I just feel more comfortable," Nyx shrugged and noticed her looking at him and grinned. She caught his gaze and before she realised what she was doing she found herself leaning closer to him until their lips met in a kiss. Everything happened so fast after that. A flood of happiness surged through her as Nyx rolled ontop of her and began kissing her more passionately. Ahsoka found her fingers wrapped around Nyx's hair and couldn't help but return his kisses. She had never experienced anything like this before - the jedi code had forbade it but now that she was no longer a jedi she didn't feel guilty about kissing Nyx like she had when Lux had kissed her on Carlac. Nyx's arms wrapped around Ahsoka's waist, intertwining their bodies further. Their lips parted as they gasped for air. They both chuckled. "Ahsoka, I think I'm in love with you," Nyx said.
Ahsoka's face lit up. "I think I love you too Nyx." They grinned at each other before kissing again. Nyx pulled the covers over them and they lay there together gazing at each others faces. Nyx stroked Ahsoka's face and kissed her cheek. "You know your tattoos really are beautiful."
"Urgh for the last time they're not tattoos," Ahsoka protested and thew a pillow at him.
"Hey!" he laughed and threw it back at her.
"So it's gonna be like that huh?" Ahsoka asked whilst grabbing the other pillow to stop herself from getting hit in the face by Nyx's pillow.

They ended up having a full on pillow fight for hours until Ahsoka almost fell off the bed but luckily Nyx caught her. He pulled her back onto the bed and set down the pillow exhausted. She rested her head on his bare chest and Nyx embraced her tightly.
"I'm so glad I met you Ahsoka," Nyx whispered in her ear.
"You too Nyx," Ahsoka whispered back.

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