Chapt. 1

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Cress's POV

Cress felt the sudden pain of the knife ripping through her skin and flesh. It was the worst pain she had ever felt in her life. The breath left her lungs. She felt the blood gushing out of her stomach and flowing like a river down her body. She looked down. Her blood was the brightest red she could ever imagine. It had already started dripping onto the ground, although she couldn't feel it rushing down her legs. She already felt the tears in her eyes and some were starting to stream down her face. She was vaguely aware of his hand holding her wrist as though he were strangling it.

Then she looked up. His eyes. His eyes enfolded her. They were so deep, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to escape from them. They were just as she remembered them. So Gorgeous. His stunning blue eyes that she had admired and stared at for hours. But something was missing. They didn't have the same cockiness in them, the same daring edge. They were terrified. Terrified at what his own hand did to her. She was sure that her own eyes reflected his.

"No." She whispered.

She felt the blade being jerked out her body. She saw him spin around, pulling her with him. The room was a blur as she was being dragged along and she caught a glimpse of someone else. The other girl was dirty with blood stains everywhere, and she had her hair up in a messy ponytail. Cress heard a scream erupt in her head.

She heard him sob, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-"

She saw the knife embedded in the girl's side.

Cress used all the strength she could muster and lunged forward and bit him on the wrist as hard as she could. She heard him bury a yell behind his teeth, but he didn't let go of her or the knife. The other girl grabbed the gun that she dropped and lunged at him, trying to wrestle the knife out of his hand. With a grunt, the girl kicked him in the chest, ripping the knife away from his grasp, and sent him flying into one of the chairs that had been left out from the wedding. He didn't seem to feel any pain from it.

She felt another rush of pain surge through her body. She felt her blood seeping through her fingers. Cress collapsed to her knees, getting weaker by the second. She clutched her stomach, but she knew it was useless. If she stayed here for much longer, she would be dead within minutes.

She fell onto her side, her body flopping everywhere. She became stranded in a lake full of blood. Cress saw a flash of bright red on top of someone's head. It looked like flames. Then she saw a giant of a man. He was hunched over the girl of flames. He was covered in scars and had blood staining his whole body.

Everything was a blur both with her endless amount of tears and the overwhelming pain. She couldn't hear anything anymore, it was just muffles of gunshots, yelling, and crying. She heard one last gunshot, then a scream and the echo of someone's feet pounding across the floor. The man who was running had black, messy hair, and a very expensive suit on.

Cress heard someone crying close by to her. She slowly turned her head with the last amount of energy she had and saw someone crawling towards her.


He was such a mess. He had blood stains all over his shirt and pants. Cress saw him limping towards her and saw a lump under his pant leg with dried blood all over. The cute bow tie he was wearing earlier was missing and his collar was unbuttoned. His right hand was a bloody stump with two fingers missing, but he didn't notice it.

And his face. Cress almost didn't recognise it. It was bruised and bloodied. His hair was sticking up in so many different ways, and she was certain that this was the first time he didn't care about it. His face was shining and Cress saw something drip from it. Stars. He was crying. His face was drenched in tears and his eyes were red from crying so hard.

The last thing she saw was him pulling her against him. She could feel his chest quickly rising and falling with rasping breaths. Cress felt his tears slowly trickling down her face.

"Thorne..." she whispered before drifting out of consciousness.

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