Hey Mrs. Dauzat. I almost died

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***Kaitlyn POV***

Today Dylan's mom was coming. We were getting the house ready. I didn't want her coming because she doesn't like me and she thinks I'm bad for Dylan which I'm not. It I was bad for Dylan we wouldn't be together right now. Fuck what she thinks, I'm awesome. Maybe if I tell Dylan I don't feel good he will cancel and tell her it's not a agood time. I walk over to Dylan

"I don't feel good" I say

"Well my mom is coming in a few hours. I guess I will take you to the doctors and see what's wrong woth you and yeah. I'll get my keys"

"Never mind I'm feeling better"n I say and walk to the couch.

"So what's for dinner"


"Ugh but that's so boring what about chicken"

"You can have chicken on your salad"

"UGH. I'm going to Cassie's for a little"

"Ok I'll be there in a alittle after I finish putting the food away"

"Ok" I say kiss his cheek and grab mykeys, and head out the door.

***At Cassie's House***

"His mom is coming in a few hours what should I do she hates me"

"Calm down. What's the worst that can happen"

"I don't know. Your probabaly right. It's not like she can make me stop seeing him"

***Later At My House***

Everyone is at my house to met Dylan's mom. I made sure Cassie, Maycie, and Jaiden were here just in case I need to talk to them. But I don't know if I could get a lot out of Jaiden she was on her phone, probably tweeting something weird. Dylan and his mom walk in

"Hi Mrs. Dauzat. How was you flight" I say trying to be nice

" Horrible. There was this kid crying on the plane and he wouldn't be quite"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like something to drink"

"Yes. Some ice water would be nice"

"Ok" I say and walk to the kichen and get some ice water. I walk back over to her and hand her the water.

"Anything else"

"No, but I would like to know where my room is"

"You're room is right over there"

"Behind the sheets that are haning from the roof"

"Yeah, this is a stuido apartment there are no rooms so we had to make our own"

"Oh, who's idea was it to have a stuido apartment"

"It was mine because this was my house with Cassie but she moved out and into her boyfriend's house and Dylan moved in here"

"Oh, so you guys share a room" she said lin disgust which made me a little mad but I held it in because I didn't want her to get mad at me.

"Yes but if it makes you feel better then I will sleep at Cassie's house"

"Yes it would"

"Ok" I say and walk away and go in my room. Dylan walks in there after me

'You don't have to leave"

"Yes I do she hates me and I hate her"

"She doesn't hate you" he says and I shot him the 'really' look

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