Wedding Day

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***Cassie POV***

Today was the big day. Today was the me and Hayes were getting married. Me and the girls were at Kaitlyn's house while the boys were at our house and getting ready. The wedding will be at the beach. They had to close the beach for it but its only going to be like an hour or 2 because Kaityn gets bored quick. So when its over we are going to Jordan's bar for the after the wedding. My briad dresses are short red dresses with fake diamonds in the top and is very puffy at the bottom. We can't afford really diamonds and they are only going to wear like once. I was wearing a white cocktial dress with little pearls on the top and a lace head thing that went down to the floor. We all got ready. I normal don't wear make up but today was spiecal. So I put on some winged eye liner and mascara thats it. I don't like make up and I don't own any I took this from Maycie and Kaitlyn. I knew how to put it on. We were all done with our make up and the weding is going to start in 20 minutes. We got in the car and we got there 5 minutes before it started and then everyone got in place and the wedding started. The flower girl was Skylnn. The ring bear was Oreo. Skylnn had him on a leash. The briadmands start walking down with there dates. Today is the day every girl wants and I get to have my day today. Today was me and Hayes' day, today is the best day of my life. It was my turn to walk down the aisle with Taylor on my arm to walk me down since I don't have a dad.

"Thank you so much for doing this for me, Taylor." I said

"Anything for my 2 favorite people." he said and smiled. We started walking down and the music was playing which was Ed Sheeran Thinking Out Loud. Amazing song. I was now letting go of Taylor's arm and walking alone. I got to the spot I was suppose to be and now was with Hayes and the guys that says all the stuff. I don't know what its call. He started talking

"Love ones, friends, family we are gathered here today in holy matrimony to be wed Hayes Grier and Cassie Jacobo. Hayes do you take Cassie do be your loftly wedded wife through sickness and health death do you part?"

"I do"

"Hayes has came with there own vows"

"Cassie since the day I met you I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the whole world. And ever since then I have fell more and more in love with you. Every star in the sky at night is shown how much I love you. No matter what happen I knew we would get through it even when we weren't together I knew we would make it I just wanted to say I am very ever so much in love with you. Today is the second most happiest day of my life the first one is when I met you" he finished and I was crying just a little with happy tears of course.

"Cassie do you take Hayes to be your loftly wedded husband through sickness and health, death do you part"

"I do"

"Cassie has came with her own vows"

"Hayes I remember looking at you and instantly falling in love with your hair and eyes and then I heard you talk. I remember how you ask me out. All the good and bad things we have been through. I don't know how to say or prove how much you mean to me and how much I love you. Hayes you are my whole world and I don't think I would want to be with some else besides you because you just make me so happy. My whole world fell apart when you weren't with me and then you came back and everything was better. I just love you so much" I said crying a little harder

"Now by the power visted in me I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" he said and everyone started clapping and cheering well me and Hayes kissed. Hayes and I hopped in our car that was covered in oreos, silly string and had 'Just Married' spray painted on the back window. We started driving to the Jordan's bar. We had to take a long way to get there. So everyone else can get there.

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