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Dear Jin,

Remember when you saved me? I was on my way to school when she came with her friends and dragged me into an alley. I watched as they yanked my hair and cut strands of it off letting it litter the ground around me. They kicked my stomach, kneed me, punched me everything. The only thing I saw was my own blood dripping onto the cold concrete, and my vision blurring. The rain came a while longer mixing in with my tears as they continued to kick and punch me. I cried and cried, and before I blacked out I watched a figure run towards me.

After I woke I realized I was in your house, and couldn't move everything hurt. You were sitting in the chair in front of me crying as you saw me try and move. I weakly smiled at you as I winced in pain. "Why didn't you tell me?" you cried tears streaming down your face. "I-I couldn't," I said before passing out again.

I wish you could save me again...

Dear Jin | Jin x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now