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I walk into her house carrying a bouquet of white lilies, a bright smile on my face only to be met with an oddly quiet apartment.

"Y/N?" I call exploring her apartment more closely. I go up the stairs heading towards her room, only to find her door ajar.

She never leaves her door open...

"Y/N?" I call one last time entering the room raising my head dropping the flowers to the ground with a thud before sinking to my knees. Quiet sobs escape my mouth as I watch her lifeless body hang from the ceiling fan, like a lifeless puppet. Tears stream down my face as I look at her there lifeless, dead, gone...

She left me.

She's gone.

My hands shake as I reach for my phone and dial a number.

"Hello?" I ask my voice quivering as tears continued to roll down my cheeks. "I need help, my girlfriend she... she hung herself."

The world around me freezes as I stare into space, only to be brought back by something being handed to me.

"What's this?" I ask the officer holding the shoebox out to me.

"Looks like she left notes behind, I think you would want these." He said placing the box into my hands before leaving with the others taking her with them. I slowly open the box and am met with a pile of letters, all reading the same thing on top: Dear Jin.

A while later I finish reading the letters the policeman gave me after they searched her room. Tears stinging my eyes threatening to fall with every blink as I think about her. I place the letters back into the container, before collapsing onto my bed drowning in my tears.

I wish I was there for her more.

I wish I had realized sooner.

I wish.

I wish.

I wish...

I throw the container against the wall and watch the letters fly erupting out of their cage, landing on her dark wooden floors. On the bottom of the box that is flipped over is scribbles I can't make out. I reach for the bottom the of the box flipping it over, reading the words:

"Dear Eomma Jin,

If you're reading this then I went through with it. It was the only way to escape the never-ending torture and pain. I wish I didn't have to do it but it was hard. You don't have to worry about me anymore, because I'm in a better place now. You deserve someone better than me, Jin. Please, don't forget about me but find someone better, someone, who will care for you and love you better than I did. Someone more "normal". I wish it didn't have to end this way but, know I will always love you. I'm sorry."

I cried harder than before as I put the letters back into the container, before finally reaching into my coat pocket removing the ring I had planned on giving to her and placing it in the box where it will remain, ...forever. 

Dear Jin | Jin x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now