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Johnny's Pov

I grumbled as I walked into the kitchen the kitchen after throwing my phone onto the couch when I walked past it. It was now almost four in the morning and here I was rummaging through my empty fridge.

"What was the point of even looking in here" I asked myself frustration hinting in my voice as I slammed the refrigerator door. I walked over to one of the cupboards that I knew had my late night snacks in.

I opened the cupboard and smiled to myself, happy that Jaehyun hasn't gotten into it and ate all my snacks already. I grabbed a bag of plan chips and made my way towards the living room. I plopped myself infront of the TV and scrolled through random channels until I found a good enough show to watch.

I leaned back onto the front of the couch still on the floor and sat my head on the cushion. A sigh came from my lips as I thought back to what had happen earlier.

'So what if I was stalking him. I can stalk my fans.' I thought to myself before ripping the small bag of chips open and stuffing acouple in my mouth. 'But why does it hurt when he calls me bro? It shouldn't hurt I don't even know him' I groaned loudly smacking my cheeks lightly not even paying attention to the show that was on anymore.

"Maybe it's because you like the dude" I jumped at the sound of another voice in the room. "J-Jaehyun?" I asked when I turned my head to stare at the shadowy figure standing in my living room.

"Yeah?" The person that identified as Jaehyun spoke back to me. "Jaehyun you scared the freaking life out of me" I huffed throwing a chip at him which he gladly catched and popped into his mouth.

"Why are you up anyway?" Jaehyun asked and walked closer to me and snatched the chips from my grasp. "I don't know can't sleep I guess" I said turning back to look at the tv.

"Thinking about that red head, huh?" I coughed on the chips that I was still chewing and I felt a hand on my back patting it lightly. After recovering from my coughing fit I glared at Jaehyun. "No why would you even asked that?" I glared at him once again getting up from my comfortable position and going into the kitchen for a cup of water. "Well you were just in here talking to yourself about why it hurts when someone calls you bro" Jaehyun said still stitting down on the floor infront of the tv.

"Oh" I was confused because I swore I said that in my head. I sipped from my cup and went back to the couch this time sitting on the couch.

"Got brozoned huh?" Jaehyun coughed it seemed like he was trying to muffle his laughter though. I rolled my eyes at him and shrugged. He handed my the small empty bag of chips back and patted my head. "Maybe you should get to know him first before you fall in love" Jaehyun snickered and walked back into his room.

"I'm just a youtuber and he's my fan i doubt he even likes me probably happy that his idol noticed him or something" I balled up the empty bag and clenched my fists at the thought of him just liking me as an idol when I for one wanted more.

My eyes widened in realization. 'I want more' this hadn't even came across me, the first time I saw his page. I didn't even think the page was all that special untill I clicked on it and found a whole new world and a whole admiration for the boy. He was just so pretty it hurt and the way he joked with his friends made me feel upset, but being the clueless person I was I didn't even know that it wasn't the feeling of rage but jealousy.

Now thinking back to when I first saw him. It was a comment on our YouTube page cheering me and Jaehyun on and thanking us for the amazing video. I felt butterflies in my stomach but still being the clueless person I was I just thought I was hungry or something. When now that I think about it I wasn't hungry but I was slowly falling in love over a small comment that we got thousands of a day.

'I don't understand' I groaned a rubbed my eyes in confusion. "He's probably not even gay' I sighed and frowned at the words that came out of my mouth. "Yeah like why would he even? I bet he even has a girlfriend. What girl wouldn't want to date that masterpiece I bet all girls are always flocking to him when he walks past them." I pouted and ran my hand through my hair and clenching it tightly, pulling it in frustration. "I'm so freaking dumb"

I got up from the couch and threw the bag away into the garbage and heading to my room. Forgetting about the tv that was still playing.

I walked into my room and stalked slowly towards my bed sitting down on it and then slowly laying down, trying to find a good enough position to lay in. I layed there for the rest of the night fully awake and contemplating about why I liked this boy and I knew nothing about him.

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